February 2009

Dear Sugar City Residents:                                                                        

 HOUSE NUMBERS:  Our maintenance employees are having a difficult time finding houses in the city. Curb numbers do not help when there is snow.  Please see that numbers are put on your homes.


OVERNIGHT PARKING:  Another reminder of our snow ordinance – no parking is allowed on city streets from December 1st through March 1st, between the hours of 12 o’clock midnight and 7 o’clock a.m.  This is the time when most snow is cleared from the streets.


SNOW SHOVELING:  The city would like to remind those out shoveling their sidewalks and driveways to not shovel the snow into the streets especially if the snowplow has already passed.  It then becomes a hazard to traffic.  We recommend finding a good spot on your property to pile the excess snow.  We also remind you that cleaning the ends of driveways at your homes is an extra benefit and is not to be expected.  Sometimes the city crew is so busy clearing the streets of snow that they cannot provide this service to the residents.  The job of snow removal has been difficult at times.  We commend our employees for their good work.


AUDITORS’ REPORT:  Dana Izatt of Searle, Hart & Associates PLLC presented his annual auditors’ report to the City Council on January 22, 2009.  He reported that the city is in good financial shape and complimented our office staff, Sharon Bell and Marcie Smith, for their accurate and good work.


SUGAR CITY LEADERS SEND LETTER TO U.S. SUPREME COURT:  In view of rulings of the U.S. Supreme Court that require cities – even small towns – to allow for adult entertainment businesses in their communities, Sugar City decided it had no choice but to do so and on Jan. 22 modified its code accordingly, although with strict requirements on where such establishments may be located. But out of concern that the high court rulings, which cite as the basis for their judgments the free speech protections of the First Amendment, may actually misinterpret or misapply this pivotal amendment, city officials decided to send a letter to the Supreme Court expressing their concerns. The city’s letter prepared by Councilman Bruce King appeared on the front page of the Standard Journal on Jan. 30, and a story about the letter appeared on page B1 of the Post Register on Jan. 31. The Associated Press also picked up the story, so it may appear in newspapers around the country. Having sworn to uphold the Constitution as well as state and local laws, city leaders felt an obligation to speak up, especially considering the impact of the court’s rulings on the public morals of our nation.


SHERIFF DEPARTMENT’S PHONE NUMBERS:            CITY HALL PHONE NUMBER:                         911 – Emergencies                                                            356-7561                                           

356-5426 – Sheriff’s Office (non-emergency)                    Web site:  www.sugarcityidaho.gov 

356-3282 – Crime Busters (to stay anonymous)                

Web site: www.madisonsheriff.com          


Mayor Glenn W. Dalling 

City Council and Staff  

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