August 2009

Dear Sugar City Residents:                                                              

START OF SCHOOL: School starts on Thursday, August 20.  We caution everyone to drive carefully and watch for children.  

COMMUNITY BREAKFAST:  We would like to thank Joe Cherrington for serving as chairman of the pioneer breakfast activity and Lamont Merrill for his role representing the city council.  Above all, we thank the many cooks and servers who worked tirelessly for more than 3-1/2 hours serving over 650 people.  We also appreciate the work of our city employees for the setup of tables and preparation of the general area.  We are most grateful to Sugar City Market, Cream ‘O Weber and Dickinson Frozen Foods for the generous donation of the food items.  Altogether it made for a great breakfast and social activity accompanied by a beautiful morning.

RIBBON-CUTTING CEREMONIES:  The ribbon-cutting ceremonies for the Business Park and the Bike Path were well attended and a great success.  A special thanks to Clair Boyle and Donna Benfield for taking the lead in arrangements for the ceremonies.

CITY BUDGET SCHEDULE FOR THE COMING YEAR:  August 13, adopt tentative budget; August 27, budget hearing and approve final budget; September 10, pass appropriation ordinance.  

CABLE ONE FRANCHISE:  The current Cable One franchise agreement with the city is due to be renewed on or before November 12, 2009.  The Cable Act requires that the public be given both notice of the proposed franchise renewal and an opportunity for participation in the franchise renewal process.  A public information meeting will be held on September 24, 2009 at the regular city council meeting.  Please plan to attend and give your input.

SHERIFF DEPARTMENT’S PHONE NUMBERS:            CITY HALL PHONE NUMBER: 356-756            911 – Emergencies                                                       Web site:     

356-5426 – Sheriff’s Office (non-emergency)                    

356-3282 – Crime Busters (to stay anonymous)                           

Web site:                                                               

Mayor Glenn W. Dalling

City Council & Staff


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