City of Sugar City 

10 East Center Post Office Box 56 Sugar City, Idaho 83448 

Support our local businesses 

March 2010 

Dear Sugar City Residents: 


March 4, 7 p.m. – Planning & Zoning Meeting 

Public Hearing – Einerson Zone Change 

March 11, 6:30 p.m. – City Council Meeting 

March 17 – Happy St. Patrick’s Day 

March 18, 7 p.m. – Planning & Zoning Meeting 

March 25 – 6:30 p.m. – City Council Meeting 

Dates to remember

April 3 – Easter egg hunt 

April 30- Arbor Day Celebration 

May 10-Spring cleanup starts June 12 – Teton Dam Marathon 

(Rexburg/Sugar City) 

July 24 – Pioneer community Breakfast Oct. 11 – Fall cleanup starts 

Nov. 30- Tree lighting ceremony 

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: The Red Cross in the Southeast District, which includes 16 counties, is currently forming volunteer teams in Madison, Fremont, Jefferson and 

Teton Counties. Anyone who would like to volunteer must fill out an application that can be found on line, and everyone must have a security clearance. Training will be on Saturdays at Madison Memorial. For more information call Shauna Ringel at 243-0513. 

Also, anyone who would like to serve on the “Community Emergency Response Team” (CERT) could contact Jon D. Corpany, the volunteer coordinator for Madison County at 359-8123 ext. 520. Training for these will be by Keith Richey and will be held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month. 

EASTER EGG HUNT: Celebrate spring and enjoy the Easter Egg Hunt. It is at 10 a.m. on Saturday, April 3, at Smith Park. Ages one to ten

2010 CENSUS: We’re fast approaching the 2010 Census – an event that only happens every 10 years. 

Be sure and be counted! Each person counted means power and money for Idaho. Census determines our community’s share of federal dollars and Congressional seats. For example, one person counted means $1,400/year in federal funds to Idaho that’s $56,000 for a family of four for the decade! Watch for your Census form to arrive any day, and make sure it is returned as soon as possible. Census Web site:

OVERNIGHT PARKING: Beginning March 1st, our snow ordinance is no longer in effect until December 1st. However, we would appreciate your cooperation in not parking on the streets when, and if, we have a snowstorm. 

DON’T WATER YET: We will be reading meters the last week of March. Please do not start watering your yard until April 1st 

Mayor Glenn W. Dalling City Council and Staff 


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