City of Sugar City 

10 East Center Post Office Box 56 Sugar City, Idaho 83448 

March 2014 

Dear Sugar City Residents

Support our local businesses 


March 6, 7 p.m. Planning & Zoning Meeting 

(cancelled no quorum

March 9: Daylight Saving Time begins 

March 13, 6:30 p.m. City Council Meeting 

March 17 St. Patrick’s Day 

March 20, 7 p.m. Planning & Zoning Meeting 

March 27 6:30 p.m. City Council Meeting 

GRAIN SILO: The grain silo demolition will take place the third or fourth week of March 2014. For the exact day and time, watch the community marquee


philipmartin into 

FLOWER BARREL FUND: Remember the feeling of welcome and beauty as you drove down Center Street last summer? We need your help to purchase the flowers to again make this possible. Please leave your donation at the City Hall or make note of it when you pay your city bill. It needs to be a separate donation and cannot be added into your bill. Thank you for helping to beautify the entrance 

to our town. We appreciate your generosity. The Beautification Committee 

OVERNIGHT PARKING: Beginning March 1, our snow ordinance is no longer in effect until December 1. We would appreciate your continued cooperation in not parking on the streets when we have a snowstorm. We would like to remind those out shoveling their sidewalks and driveways to not shovel the snow into the streets because once the plows have gone by it becomes a hazard on the street and often packs down and becomes difficult to remove. We recommend finding a good spot on your property to pile the excess snow

DON’T WATER YARDS UNTIL MAY 1ST. If you need to water your yard, please call city hall to have your meter read before you water

DOG LICENSES: All dog licenses expired December 31st. The licensing fee for each dog is $12 per year. Penalties for an unlicensed dog start at $100. Just a reminder, inside dogs also need to be licensed


911 Emergencies 

356-5426 Sheriff’s Office (nonemergency) 356-3282Crime Busters (to stay anonymous) 

Mayor Glenn W. Dalling City Council and Staff 



Web site: Web site: 

See the PDF