1. David D. Ogden, Mayor  

    Wendy McLaughlin, Clerk-Treasurer  Shelley Jones, Deputy Clerk-Treasurer  M. Zane Baler, Public Works Director  Phone: (208) 356 7561  

    Fax: (208) 359 2654  

    Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.  

    AUGUST 2016  


    City of Sugar City  

    P.O. Box 56 – 10 East Center  Sugar City, Idaho 83448  

    Support our local businesses  

    Aug 4-6 – War Bonnet Rodeo at Sandy  Downs in Idaho Falls  

    Aug 4 -Planning & Zoning Meeting  7 p.m.  

    Aug 11 – City Council Meeting 6:30 p.m.  

    August 13 – RUSH Triathlon  

    Call Rexburg City at 359-3020  

    August 16 – Celebrate Youth  

    2:00 PM – 7:00 PM  

    Call 359-3300 for information  

    August 16 – Rexburg Mobile Food Pantry  5:30 PM – 7:30 PM  

    Volunteers needed between  

    4:30 p.m. & 8:30 p.m.  

    Aug 16 – 17 – School Registration for All  Schools  

    August 17-20 – Madison County Fair  

    Aug 18 – Joint Council & P&Z Meeting  7 p.m.  

    August 20 – VFW Community Breakfast  8:00 – 11:00 a.m. 2nd North 5th West  $5 donation, kids under 12 are free  

    August 24- ist day of school  

    Aug 25 – City Council Meeting 6:30 p.m  *PUBLIC HEARING ON CITY BUDGET*  

    Dates to Remember:  

    Eastern Idaho State Fair – Sept. 3-10th  

    Curfew Ordinance for Minors  Sunday Monday  

    5am 11pm 5am 11pm  

    Tuesday Wednesday  —  

    5am 11pm 5am T 11pm  Thursday Friday  

    5am 11pm 5am I T. 12:30am  Saturday Sunday  

    5am i 12:30ann 5am I 11pnn  

    PIONEER COMMUNITY BREAKFAST: Many people were served a wonderful  breakfast this year. We wish to thank all who helped in any way to make this  activity possible, including our city maintenance crew and all the cooks and  servers. We wish to give a special thank you to each of the following:  

    Mayor Ogden and City Council  

    Pam and lyan Gerdes for the music  

    Stones Town and Country for their annual $1,000 sponsorship and help  with the cooking  

    Dickinson Foods for their contribution of hash browns  

    Walmart for their contribution of the watermelons  

    Zane & Cheree Palmer, lan Luke, Matt & Jacob Christensen for the  cleanup and others who helped  

    We appreciate everyone who donated to help with city park innprovements  and appreciate those who attended and made it a great success.  

    START OF SCHOOL: School starts Wednesday, August 24. We caution  everyone to drive carefullv and watch for children. Also notice that during  school hours Center Street will be back down to 25 mph.  

    WATER QUALITY REPORT: Sugar City has the 2015 Water Quality Report. It  will be available soon on the City’s Website. lt is also available at City Hall to  review.  

    GARBAGE PICKUP REMINDER: Please have garbage set out by 6:00 A.M.  Fridays. There are 6 holidays that will postpone garbage pick-up for  Saturday. Those holidays are: New Years, Memorial Day, 4thof July, Labor  Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas.  

    RECYCLING SURVEY RESPONSE: We have had 46 responses on our survey.  Of those 46, 93% would like a recycling program and 80% said they would  be willing to pay $8.00/mo. for the service.  

    We need 125 committed residents before we can have this service. Remind  your friends and neighbors to take the survey. Pick-up would be every 2  weeks on garbage day. Itenns collected would be paper, plastics, tin &  aluminum. Take our survey at:https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/682D2NC  

    SPRINKLER SYSTEMS: Thank you to those that have completed your  backflow test! Anyone who is going to put in a new sprinkler system will  need to get a permit from the city. If you already have a system, please  check to make sure it has a double check backflow device. It needs to be  tested by sonneone who is certified. Please bring your report into City Hall.  This is required every 2 years for residential and yearly for commercial. The  DEQ (Department of Environmental Quality) requires this of the city to  ensure that contamination of the water supply will not happen in the event  of a pressure loss to the water system. Call City Hall for questions. 

    David D. Ogden, Mayor  

    Wendy McLaughlin, Clerk-Treasurer  Shelley Jones, Deputy Clerk-Treasurer  

    Phone: (208) 356 7561  

    Fax: (208) 359 2654  

    Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.  

    Dear City Residents,  

    City of Sugar City  

    P.O. Box 56 – 10 East Center  

    Sugar City, Idaho 83448  

    Support our local businesses  

    July 27, 2016  

    I would like to thank Councilman Joe Cherrington, Stones Town and  Country, and all the others who donated their time, money and effort to  make this year’s Pioneer Day Breakfast a success. It was great to see so  many of you out mingling and having a good time, and the food was  great! We hope you noticed the new cement pad where the food was  served, thanks to the efforts of our great public works staff.  

    It was also good to see many of you at the Pioneer Day Parade in St.  Anthony. It was my first time riding in the parade as a part of the city  delegation. We saw many of you, and hope that we were able to throw  enough candy your way. It is great to support such a great cause, and  honor such brave pioneers.  

    As many of you are aware, we recently had an interruption with our city  water. The staff quickly took care of this and it was only down for about  15 minutes. However, this and a couple of other minor issues has brought  to our attention that we are beginning to reach a point where we are at  capacity in providing water, especially during the summer months as we  water our yards and parks.  

    In anticipation of this, the city has authorized the study of our water  system to determine how best to handle both anticipated growth and to  more efficiently use our existing system. We are very serious about  meeting our obligation as a city in providing both culinary water for your  use, as well as the mandated fire flow protection to all residents,  businesses and schools. 

    Based on the initial meetings held with the engineers doing the study it  has become apparent that we will have to make changes and add new  capacity. The city already has sufficient water rights to make this  happen, but there will be some costs associated with these changes.  

    The first stage of this study will be to make sure the city not only has  sufficient water, but also sufficient fire protection. The second is to  anticipate and handle any future growth. I want to assure you that we are  dedicated to keeping the costs down, but at the same time making sure  the system is not only efficient, but adequate for all our needs, and help  to provide for future needs. More information will be forthcoming and  will be made available to you.  

    Thank you.  


    David D. Ogden  



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