David D. Ogden, Mayor
Wendy McLaughlin, Clerk–Treasurer Shelley Jones, Deputy Clerk–Treasurer
- Zane Baler, Public Works Director
Phone: (208) 356 7561
Fax: (208) 359 2654
Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
City of Sugar City
P.O. Box 5610 East Center Sugar City, Idaho 83448
Support our local businesses
June 1st – 7 p.m. Planning & Zoning June 3rd – Teton Dam Marathon – rexburg.org/teton-dam-marathon June 8th – 6:30 p.m. City Council Meeting **Public Hearing – Animal Fees & Water Rate Fees*** June 10th – Kid’s Free Fishing Day 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. @ Stoddard Mill Pond
June 15th – 7 p.m. Planning & Zoning
June 18th – Father’s Day
June 21st – First Day of Summer June22nd – Regular City Council Meeting Postponed to Thursday July 29th
June 29th – 6:30 p.m. City Council Meeting **Public Hearing – Old Farm Estates Development Agreement Amendment** July 6t
7 p.m. Planning & Zoning
July 22nd – Community Breakfast @ Heritage Park – 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. & Fremont County Pioneer Days Parade @ 10:30 a.m. www.fremontpioneerdays.com
July 22-23-2017 Extreme Blue Thunder Air Show @ Idaho Falls Regional Airport on Skyline Drive DATES FOR FREE ADMISSION TO
OUR NATIONAL PARKS National Park Service Birthday – August 25
National Public Lands Day – September 30
Veterans Day Weekend – November 11-12
June 2017
Happy Father’s Day!
*PUBLIC HEARING – Animal Fees & Water Rate Fees June 8th at 6:30 p.m.* *PUBLIC HEARING – Old Farm Estates Development Agreement Amendment June 29th at 6:30 p.m.*
TREE TRIMMING: The city will be trimming trees in the alleys to make access easier for emergency and city vehicles to pass through. Please do not have any items or waste in the alleys that would keep the large trucks and equipment from entering with ease. If you do not want the city trimming any of your trees or bushes, please have them trimmed back from the alleys beforehand.
**KID’S FREE FISHING DAY** – Saturday, June 10th, 9 a.m. TO 2 p.m. @ Stoddard Mill Pond, 4 miles west on Yale Kilgore Road from Hwy 20 Junction. Fishing rods and tackle provided. Every kid under 13 gets a chance to win a rod. Hot dogs and drinks will be available. Bring your own lawn chairs.
We would like to invite our residents to participate in the Sugar Days Eclipse Celebration in August. We expect a large audience. Take advantage of the opportunity to rent a booth space. Please visit sugarcityidaho.gov for more information.
For more information on RV Parking visit sugarcityidaho.gov or go to rexburgeclipse.com.
WATERING TIP: According to research from Utah State University in Logan, Utah, lawns don’t really require as much water as many of us are giving them. Lawns should receive 1⁄2 inch of water every 3 to 4 days. Place water cans or buckets around your yard when you water. As soon as you get 1/2 inch of water in your bucket or can, stop watering and remember how much time it took the sprinkler to put that much water out. Set your timer to only give that much water every 3 4 days. You will have to water more frequently as it gets hotter in July and August by watering every 2-3 days. Increasing the amount of water will not help; it will only wash through the soil.
**REMINDER**: If you didn’t have a test on your sprinkler system backflow preventer done last year, please have one done this year and bring your report into City Hall. This is necessary to ensure that contamination of the water supply will not happen in the event of a pressure loss to the water system. Thank you to those that have already brought in test results!
REVERSE 911 SYSTEM: We would like to encourage all citizens to sign up for Reverse 911. Go to madisonsheriff.com under Alert Sense and it will take you to the page to subscribe for emergency notifications.
David D. Ogden, Mayor
Wendy McLaughlin, Clerk–Treasurer
Shelley Jones, Deputy Clerk–Treasurer
Phone: (208) 356 7561
Fax: (208) 359 2654
Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
City of Sugar City
P.O. Box 56 10 East Center Sugar City, Idaho 83448
Support our local businesses
June 2, 2017
Dear City Residents,
The City Council met on May 25th to make a decision on the recommendations made by the Planning & Zoning Commission covering the Preliminary Plat for Division #3 of Old Farm Estates and to establish zoning for that area. As I have listened to people in the community it has become increasingly clear to me that there is some misunderstanding as to the process required by law for this type of land use decision. Please bear with me as I try to explain the process the city took.
The Planning & Zoning Commission received an application from the owners of the Old Farm Estates Subdivision to approve a Preliminary Plat for Division #3. A Preliminary Plat consists of the design of the lots contained in that division, along with all roads and utilities to be constructed, but not the homes or buildings to be located there.
An application to re–zone from the current residential to mixed use zones was also received. Both the city staff and the P&Z members determined that all of the required information was obtained, and that the applications were complete. At that time, a Public Hearing was set for both applications on the 6th of April, 2017. The purpose of the Public Hearing is to obtain testimony about the applications from the public.
The Public Hearing was well attended, with over 50 people attending. There was both written and oral testimony taken as required by Sugar City’s and Idaho’s law. The meeting lasted over three hours, and then the P&Z Commission discussed the results of the hearing and decided to continue the discussion at their next meeting. The commission did not make a decision that night, but deliberated for two more meetings. The commission then worked with the City Attorney to prepare the Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations for their decision, and held an additional meeting to finalize and approve them.
The City Council and Mayor spent many hours listening to and reading all the testimony and studying the recommendation of the P&Z Commission from that meeting. I know that they have taken all of the comments very seriously, both those in favor of the project, as well as those opposed. It was felt by the council that the testimony received was comprehensive, and there were no apparent deficiencies in the record that would warrant
an additional public hearing.
Based on this testimony and the recommendation of the P&Z Commission the council decided to approve the preliminary plat and zone change recommendations.
We have sufficient protections in our code to control not only the type of development that will be constructed within the plat, but also what that development will look like. Both the Land Use Standards in our subdivision regulation and the Design Review Board are there to help the city control developments like this.
The subdivision regulations control the quality of development goes into each zone. Our zoning regulations require a Special Use Permit when we want to see the project first before making a final decision. The Design Review Board controls the kinds of materials to be used for businesses and multi–family units, as well as things like landscaping, parking, colors, etc. I trust the system that has been put in place, I hope that you can too. I hope this has been helpful for you, but if you have further questions, or wish to discuss this further, please contact me. Thanks.
David D. Ogden, Mayor