David D. Ogden, Mayor
Wendy McLaughlin, Clerk–Treasurer Shelley Jones, Deputy Clerk–Treasurer
Arlynn Jacobson, Public Works Director
Sugar City
Sept 2 – Labor Day – City Hall Office Closed
Sept. 5 – Planning & Zoning @ 7:00 p.m.
Aug. 30–Sept. 7
Eastern Idaho State Fair
Sept 12 – City Council @ 6:30 p.m.
Sept 17 – Tuesday- Rexburg Mobile Food Pantry 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Volunteers needed between 4:30 p.m. & 8:30 p.m.
Sept 19 – Planning & Zoning @7:00 p.m.
Sept 26 – City Council @ 6:30 p.m.
Oct. 3 – Planning & Zoning @ 7:00 p.m.
***All city meetings are subject to change – see city website**
**GARBAGE PICK–UP REMINDER**: Please have garbage set out by 6:00 A.M. Due to Labor Day Monday, the 2nd, garbage pick–up will be on Saturday, the 7th
CITY WIDE CLEAN–UP: The date for city clean–up to begin is October 14th. Please do not put items out on the roads or alleys more than one week ahead of time. If you have items that you need to discard before the city clean–up, please note that we have a dumpster on the west side of Silo Park off of North Front & C Street. Please follow these guidelines for items to be removed or placed in the dumpster.
Due to regulations, we cannot pick up:
leaves and grass clippings unless they are bagged,
large remodeling materials, roofing, large pieces of concrete and tires, hazardous waste such as paint, chemicals, batteries, & used oil.
Please do not fill alleys after city clean–up until the week before the next clean–up in the spring. Storing debris is a violation of city code 3-1-13:A.
SPRINKLER SYSTEMS: If you didn’t have a test on your sprinkler system backflow preventer done last year, please have one done this year and bring your report into City Hall. This is necessary to ensure that contamination of the water supply will not happen in the event of a pressure loss to the water system. Thank you to those that have already brought in test results!
ANIMAL CONTROL: There is an increasing stray/feral cat problem. Feeding the cats and kittens only adds to the problem by bringing other animals in that are attracted to the smell of food. If you own an animal please have it spayed or neutered, this helps with overpopulation. A 6 month old kitten can start having kittens. A cat can have as many as 5 litters a year, 3 to 6 kittens in a litter.
DOGS: must be licensed; see city code 4-1-3. Fines may be accrued for non–compliance. 4-1-9 UNLAWFUL TO KEEP BARKING OR HOWLING DOGS OR FOR DOGS TO RUN AT LARGE B: It shall be unlawful for any owner or keeper of a dog to allow said dog to be on any public street, alley, sidewalk, or any public way or public place within the city unless said dog is on a leash not exceeding ten feet (10‘) in length or is confined within a vehicle; provided, however, the mayor may authorize within the city, dog shows, exhibitions, and dog training courses allowing dogs participating therein to be controlled by competent attendants. Further, the council may designate such areas of the city, which may be used, subject to such rules and regulations as may be prescribed for the training or exercise of dogs. Dogs within such an area so designated need not be controlled by leash, but shall be under the control of a responsible person and controlled by whistle, voice, or other effective command.
BURNING WITHIN THE CITY: City Code does not address burning waste. County guidelines must be followed. See the following website: http://www.fdmadison.org/. You can register there and read the regulations for burning.
Ph: 208-356-7561
Fax: 208-359-2654
Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
P.O. Box 56-10 E. Center
Sugar City, ID 83448
Sugar City
David D. Ogden, Mayor
Wendy McLaughlin, Clerk–Treasurer Shelley Jones, Deputy Clerk–Treasurer Arlynn Jacobson, Public Works Director
August 30, 2019
Dear Friends,
We have just adopted the new budget for the upcoming year starting on October 1st. My last letter indicated what that budget was to look like. The staff and I take very seriously the use of our tax dollars. It appears that this year will be the first in two years to have a surplus of funds, which is mainly due to not having significant legal expenses. This new year should be the same.
We are continuing to work hard on the new water project, which remains under budget, and on time. This is not always easy, as in any project we experience unforeseen issues that cost additional funds. However, the original bids for work to be done have come in low enough to cover these unforeseen costs, and still remain within budget.
I give real credit for the city’s success so far in my term to the wonderful staff. Wendy and Shelley operate a great front office, and are very helpful in their given tasks. Arlynn, Cody and John are great in handling the public works side of the city. Cliff Morris is very good at building inspections, and keeping the growth in line with city and international codes. Our two main commissions, Planning & Zoning and Design Review, do a remarkable job of making sure the city stays on track. Our Tree & Beautification Committee has been very helpful in keeping our city beautiful and had great success with our Sugar Days Celebration.
I have really enjoyed working with our new city council. The new council members have worked hard to come up to speed in a short amount of time, and I look forward to accomplishing great things with their help. It is a real joy to work with each of them. Thank you for your support in all we do. We could not do this job without that support.
David D. Ogden
David D. Ogden, Mayor
Ph: 208-356-7561 Fax: 208-359-2654
Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
P.O. Box 56 – 10 E. Center
Sugar City, ID 83448