Steve Adams, Mayor 

Wendy McLaughlin, Clerk-Treasurer 

Shelley Jones, Deputy Clerk-Treasurer 

Arlynn Jacobson, Public Works Director 

Cody Cureton, Asst. Public Works Director 

Jonathan Turner, Code Enforcement Officer 

Quinton Owens, City Bldg. Inspector/P&Z Admin. 


SEPTEMBER 2020 CALENDAR  Sept 3 – Planning and Zoning  7:00 pm by ZOOM 

Sept 7 – Labor Day –  

City Office Closed  

Sept 10 – City Council 

6:30 pm by ZOOM 

Sept 11 – Patriot Day 

Sept 17 – Planning and Zoning  7:00 pm by ZOOM 

Sept 22 – First Day of Autumn Sept 24 – City Council 

6:30 pm by ZOOM 

Dates to Remember:  

Oct 1 – Planning & Zoning 7:00 pm by ZOOM 









SCHOOL IS IN SESSION: We want to remind everyone that the speed limit  on Center St. is 25 m.p.h. during school hours. Please drive carefully and  watch for our children and keep them safe. 


GARBAGE PICK-UP REMINDER: Due to Labor Day Monday the 7th; garbage  pick-up will be on Saturday, September 12th. Please have garbage set out  by 6:00 a.m.  







YARD AWARDS FOR AUGUST:  Andrew & Kali Rammell 

Brent & Jan Barrus 

Tim & Audrey Whitworth Delores Birch 

GARDEN AWARDS FOR AUGUST:  Jorge & Laurie Orduno 

Lawrence & Catherine Nielsen Tyler & Deborah Andreasen 

Oct 19 – City Clean-up 

***All city meetings are subject  to change – see city website for  meeting schedules*** 


Please have trees and bushes  trimmed back from the alleys  and roads. Tree branches must  be trimmed up from the ground  to a height of 12 feet. Bushes  along roads must be trimmed  down to a height of no more  than 3 feet

SPRINKLER SYSTEMS: If you  didn’t have a test on your  sprinkler system backflow  preventer done last year,  please have one done this year  and mail your report to city hall.  This is necessary to ensure that  contamination of the water  supply will not happen in the  event of a pressure loss to the  water system. Thank you to  those that have already  brought in test results.  

SEWAGE PROBLEMS: Our city  insurance provider has asked us  to remind all citizens, “… of the  importance of NOT flushing  flushable wipes, sanitizer wipes,  paper towels or anything else  that isn’t toilet paper.” Please  help us prevent sewer backups  by disposing of these items in  some other way.  

FEE INCREASES: City council approved a fee increase to the sewer rate of .13 cents per thousand gallons of usage.  This fee comes as the city received an increase in sewage disposal costs. An increase of $1.20 was approved to  continue the city clean-up once a year in October. The tentative date for city clean-up is October 19th.  

ANIMAL ISSUES: All dogs are required to be licensed and wearing the license on their collar. Only 2 dogs are  allowed per household unless an application for a kennel license is approved. Licenses expire December 31st of  each year. The cost is $15 per year and is pro-rated for new pets. There are fines associated with non-compliance  to city code. There have been several complaints about dogs running loose and leaving a lot of messes in  neighborhood yards, so here is a reminder of our city code concerning animal control. 



  1. Any person who harbors or keeps on his or her premises, or in his or her control, any dog, which, by loud, incessant, or unusual barking or howling, disturbs the peace/quiet of the neighborhood or of the occupants of adjacent premises, shall violate this chapter.  
  2. It shall be unlawful for any owner or keeper of a dog to allow said dog to be on any public street, alley, sidewalk, or any public way or public place within the city unless said dog is on a leash not exceeding ten feet (10′) in length or is confined within a vehicle; provided, however, the mayor may authorize within the city dog shows,  exhibitions, and dog training courses allowing dogs participating therein to be controlled by competent  attendants. Further, the council may designate such areas of the city, which may be used, subject to such rules  and regulations as may be prescribed for the training or exercise of dogs. Dogs within such an area so designated  need not be controlled by leash, but shall be under the control of a responsible person and controlled by whistle,  voice, or other effective command.  
  3. It shall be unlawful for any owner or keeper of a dog to allow said dog to run upon any property in the city without the consent of the owner or tenant in possession of said property.
  4. It shall be the responsibility of any owner or keeper of a dog to clean up any messes of said dog, when made on property in the city other than his or her own private land.


Dumping at the end of streets or in alleys is not allowed. City Code 3-1-8: “Responsibility for Disposal: A:  Owners: No person shall deposit refuse on or below the surface of the ground other than in a manner  prescribed in this chapter. No person shall deposit or bury any refuse in or upon a public alley, street, other  public area or upon the premises of another person, whether or not the refuse is in an approved container.  No refuse of any kind shall be thrown, swept or pushed into the street in front of any premises. The owner of  the premises shall be responsible for the disposal of all such refuse.”  

Please remove any items or waste from public alleys to avoid health and safety hazards and possible citations. BURNING WITHIN THE CITY: County guidelines must be followed. You can register and read regulations for  burning at the following website:  

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ph: 208-356-7561 Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. P.O. Box 56 – 10 E. Center  Fax: 208-359-2654 Sugar City, ID 83448   


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