Feb 2 – Groundhog Day 

Feb 2 – Planning and Zoning 7:00 pm  Feb 9 – City Council 6:30 pm  

Feb 14 – Valentine’s Day 

Feb 16 – Planning and Zoning 7:00 pm Feb 21 – LID payments due 

Feb 20 – President’s Day OFFICE CLOSED Feb 21 – Idaho Transportation Dept. Open  House @ South Fremont High School 5 to 7  p.m. to discuss five at-grade crossings along  US 20 for safety improvements. 

Feb 23 – City Council 6:30 pm 

Public Hearings – Delinquent Utility Notice  Procedure and New Utility penalty and  Service Fees 

Feb 28 – Planning & Zoning 7:00 pm,  Tuesday Public Hearings – Comprehensive  Plan & Regional Commercial Zone Dates to Remember: 

Mar 2 – Planning & Zoning 7:00 pm  

*All city meetings are subject to change. Citizens  are invited to attend Planning & Zoning and City  Council Meetings. Agendas are on the city  website and on the door at city hall 48 hours prior  to the meetings. You may call city hall to ask  what items are being discussed. * 


HOLIDAY CLOSURES: City Hall will be closed 

February 20th for President’s Day. Garbage pick-up  

will be on the normal schedule for the week. 

L.I.D. PAYMENTS DUE: Payments are due February 21st

This is for the 2002 Local Improvement District (L.I.D.) improvements for  street, sidewalk and gutters assessed to then current homeowners.  

SPRINKLER SYSTEMS: Backflow preventers are required on all sprinkler  systems. If you didn’t have a test on your sprinkler system backflow preventer  done last year, please have one done this year and return your report to City  Hall or email it to ajacobson@sugarcityidaho.gov. This is necessary to ensure  that contamination of the water supply will not happen in the event of a  pressure loss to the water system. Odd numbered addresses are to be tested  this year and even numbered addresses are to be tested in even numbered  years. If you have an even numbered address and did not test last year, need  to be tested this year also. Businesses are required to test every year. The  deadline to have these completed is July 1st to avoid water services from being  terminated. Thank you for your cooperation!  

BUSINESS LICENSE REMINDER: Business licenses expired December 31st. Commercial licenses are $20.00. Home businesses are $10.00. You may send  in a check to pay for your license and a new license will be mailed to you. (Do  not combine with utility payment; it must be a separate check.) 

KENNEL LICENSE RENEWALS: Kennel licenses expired December 31st. Come  into city hall to pay for your renewal, which is $10.00. 

DOG LICENSE REMINDER: Make sure your pets are licensed with a Sugar City tag. Dog tags are available at city hall. The  cost is $15 per pet for their lifetime. Not having your dog licensed violates city code and has a fine of $150.00. There is a two dog limit per household. Please include a photo of your pet to keep on file. 

SNOW REMOVAL: Keep cars uncovered from snow and parked back off roads to eliminate being clipped by the snowplows. DO NOT BLOW, PUSH OR SHOVEL SNOW INTO ROADS. According to City Code 4-5-2 B it constitutes a Misdemeanor. 

OVERNIGHT PARKING: Reminder of our snow ordinance, City Code 6-1-2 A.1, no parking on city streets from December  1st through March 1st, between the hours of 12 midnight and 7 a.m. Failure to comply constitutes an infraction. 


 Steve Adams, Mayor 

Wendy McLaughlin, Clerk-Treasurer 

Arlynn Jacobson, Public Works Director 

Quinton Owens, City Building Inspector 

Kimber Jones, Code Enforcement Officer 


Ph: 208-356-7561 Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. P.O. Box 56 – 10 E. Center  Fax: 208-359-2654 Sugar City, ID 83448