May 4 – Planning & Zoning 7:00 pm May 11 – City Council 6:30 pm May 12 – Arbor Day Celebration 10:00 am at Neibaur Park
May 14 – Mother’s Day
May 18 – Planning & Zoning 7:00 pm – Public Hearing
May 25 – City Council 6:30 pm May 29 – Memorial Day – Office Closed
Dates to Remember:
June 1 – Planning & Zoning 7:00 pm June 17 – Community Breakfast & Sugar Days
PLANNING & ZONING PUBLIC HEARINGS: Public hearing for Special Use Permit for Dance Studio at 180 Sugar Avenue in the Business Park and a public hearing for a zone change for two parcels located west of Salem Highway and North of US Highway 20 from Agricultural to Regional Commercial. Contact city hall for more information.
*All city meetings are subject to change. Citizens are invited to attend Planning & Zoning and City Council Meetings. Agendas are on the city website and on the door at city hall 48 hours prior to the meetings. You may call city hall to ask what items are being discussed. *
SUCCESSFUL EASTER CELEBRATION: Thanks so much to all of those who donated and participated in our Easter Celebration. We had a great turnout and a lot of fun!
ARBOR DAY CELEBRATION: As Sugar City is an official Tree City, USA; the Tree & Beautification Committee will be holding an Arbor Day Celebration on May 12th at 10:00 a.m. in Neibaur Park. The public is welcome to attend.
HOLIDAY GARBAGE PICKUP: Garbage pickup for the week of Memorial Day will be Saturday, June 3rd.
COMMUNITY BREAKFAST & SUGAR DAYS WILL BE JUNE 17TH: Breakfast will be from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. and Sugar Days will be held from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. at Heritage Park. We will be inviting vendors to sign up to join in the festivities. If you are interested, please call City Hall for more information. More information will also be in June’s newsletter and on the city’s website and Facebook page.
WATER METER READS: The spring water meter reading has been completed. You may now start watering your lawns. Your May bill will reflect your actual usage of water used over the winter months.
NEW FEE REMINDER: There is a $10 charge on the delinquent amount after the 25th of the month. Paper bills will have a $1 fee. Shut off and re-connect fees are $20 and after hour reconnect fee is $30. Sign up for paperless billing and autopay at Xpress Bill Pay to avoid paper billing fee and past due payment charges.
BURNING WITHIN THE CITY: County guidelines must be followed. You must register and read regulations for burning at the following website:
NO DUMPSTER OR CITY CLEANUP THIS YEAR: The city no longer provides a dumpster for cleanup throughout the summer. The city is no longer holding a spring and fall city cleanup. Dumping is NOT allowed in the alleys. Do NOT place any refuse or yard waste in alleys. If you have any waste, trash, or weeds in the alleys, please remove all items to avoid any citations. Citizens will be responsible for disposal of their yard waste. You may dispose of waste at the Madison County Transfer Station (see link below for information) or at the County Landfill. You may also request a second garbage can from city hall for a monthly fee of $12.16.
MADISON COUNTY HAZARDOUS WASTE DAYS: June 10 & 12 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Madison County Transfer Station, 530 Airport Rd, Rexburg, ID.
See or call (208) 356-3102 for more information.
FENCE PERMITS ARE REQUIRED: If you are putting in a new fence this year, remember to come into city hall and fill out a fence permit. There is no fee unless the fence is taller than six feet.
SPRINKLER SYSTEMS: Backflow preventers are required on all sprinkler systems. This is necessary to ensure that contamination of the water supply will not happen in the event of a pressure loss to the water system. Odd numbered addresses are to be tested this year and even numbered addresses are to be tested in even numbered years. If you have an even numbered address and did not test last year, you need to be tested this year also. Businesses are required to test every year. The deadline to have these completed is July 1st to avoid water services from being terminated. If you have an appointment to have your test done and it is after the 1st of July, please notify the city at email below with the date it is scheduled and with whom. Return your report to City Hall or email it to
Thank you!
REMINDER OF SUGAR CITY CODE 3-2-3 VEHICLES, EQUIPMENT AND PERSONAL PROPERTY: “No one shall allow any partially dismantled, wrecked, junked, discarded or otherwise non operating motor vehicle, machinery implement or equipment….to remain on property longer than 14 days…or within city longer than 14 days unless in an enclosed building or so located upon the premises as not to be readily visible from any public place or from any surrounding private property….. “
Failure to comply can result in a citation of $150.00.
Steve Adams, Mayor
Wendy McLaughlin, Clerk-Treasurer
Arlynn Jacobson, Public Works Director
Quinton Owens, City Building Inspector
Kimber Jones, Code Enforcement Officer
Ph: 208-356-7561 Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. P.O. Box 56 – 10 E. Center Fax: 208-359-2654 Sugar City, ID 83448