Aug 3 – P&Z Postponed until 9th
Aug 9 – Planning and Zoning 7:00 pm
Public Hearing for a Variance on setback requirements for a new single-family home on N. Maple Aug 10
City Council 6:30 pm
Aug 16-19 – Madison County Fair Aug 17
Planning and Zoning 7:00 pm Aug 23 – First Day of School
Aug 24 – City Council 6:30 pm Budget Hearing
Dates to Remember:
Sept 7 – Planning & Zoning 7:00 pm
*All city meetings are subject to change. Citizens are invited to attend Planning & Zoning and City Council Meetings. Agendas are on the city website and on the door at city hall 48 hours prior to the meetings. You may call city hall to ask what items are being discussed. *
- Marvin&KristiGonzalez Scott & Leslie Hymas
- Clansy&AlexaAllen Kevin & Melissa Coles
- Gary &Rhea Michaelson Jerry & Rozan Miller
- Randy&HollyBatton Marie Davis
WEED ABATEMENT: The city would like to remind its property owners to please keep weeds and grass trimmed to help avoid fire hazards and insect infestations. If contacted and not taken care of, the city may do so at a cost to you.
TREE TRIMMING: The city has been trimming trees along some roadways. All trees must be trimmed up to 10 feet from the ground and down to 3 feet maximum height for bushes. We would appreciate citizens being mindful of this requirement to keep vegetation trimmed back from roads.
OCTOBER TREATS IN THE STREETS: The city needs volunteers to help with the October celebration. If interested in volunteering or being a vendor, please contact city hall.
PARKING CODE: We have noticed that many of the city streets and alleys are being used to park campers and trailers. Please park and place all personal items on your own property, not in alleys or on streets.
6-1-2 Parking Regulations. “… no person shall stop, stand, park or deposit a trailer, shipping container, storage container, drop box or any other non-vehicular item in and on street parking spaces, for a period longer than one hundred twenty (120) consecutive hours, i.e., 5 days.
5-2-6 G Recreational Vehicle Parking: No person shall park an unoccupied recreational vehicle as defined by Idaho Code section 49-119 on any residentially zoned street or alley right of way for more than seven (7) consecutive days and no more than fourteen (14) days cumulative total in any one calendar year….
ICE RINK COMING THIS WINTER: The city council approved an application for an ice rink at the tennis courts in Neibaur Park this winter.
ATV LAWS: With summer fast approaching the use of ATV such as four-wheelers has increased. A reminder that driving unregistered ATVs on city roads is against the law. ATV may be driven on city roads if they comply with the following:
- Vehicle must be licensed
- Operator must be licensed and be carrying license while driving
- Helmets must be worn under the age of 18
- ATVs cannot be driven on highways or freeways (which includes Center Street in Sugar City)
- Operators must observe ALL roadway laws
- ATVs are not allowed in city parks or on schoolgrounds
Please educate your children on these rules to avoid citations.
Steve Adams, Mayor
Wendy McLaughlin, Clerk-Treasurer
Arlynn Jacobson, Public Works Director
Quinton Owens, City Building Inspector
Kimber Jones, Code Enforcement Officer
Ph: 208-356-7561 Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. P.O. Box 56 – 10 E. Center Fax: 208-359-2654 Sugar City, ID 83448