April 2009


Dear Sugar City Residents:                                                                         



EASTER EGG HUNT:  Celebrate spring and enjoy the Easter Egg Hunt.  It is at 10 a.m. on Saturday, April 11, at Smith Park.

Ages one to ten.


Don’t Water Yet!!


Due to the volume of snow still on the ground, meters will not be read until the end of April this year. Help keep your sewer bill low this next year by waiting to water outside until May 1st.  If you find it necessary to water before then, please call city hall to have your meter read early.


THE TREE AND BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE:  Spring is here and the time of cleaning up and planting shrubs and flowers to beautify our town is approaching.  The Tree and Beautification Committee have received tremendous support as you have been asked to contribute money to help in this endeavor.  However, there is another important way in which you may help – TIME.  We could not have accomplished the projects of the last few years without the help of those who gave unselfishly of their time to help us.  Thank you.


VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR ANNUAL COMMUNITY BREAKFAST:  The annual free breakfast on or near the July 24th holiday has been a proud tradition of Sugar City since 1952.  For a number of years young men have played a major role in planning and serving the breakfast in order to obtain their Eagle Scout award.  The requirements for the Eagle Scout award have changed slightly and this community breakfast will no longer fill the requirement.  In view of this information, we are seeking volunteers to assume this responsibility.  We very much want to continue this tradition.  If you are interested, contact city hall.


INVITATION TO ATTEND COUNCIL MEETINGS:  We would like to invite and encourage citizen attendance at our council meetings.  There are many crucial decisions concerning the way of life in our city that are discussed at these meetings.  It would be good if every chair in the council room were occupied at our council meetings.  Citizens can make a difference.


SHERIFF DEPARTMENT’S PHONE NUMBERS:            CITY HALL PHONE NUMBER:                         911 – Emergencies                                                            356-7561                                           

356-5426 – Sheriff’s Office (non-emergency)                    Web site:  www.sugarcityidaho.gov 

356-3282 – Crime Busters (to stay anonymous)                

Web site: www.madisonsheriff.com   



Mayor Glenn W. Dalling 

City Council and Staff  


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