April 2023 CALENDAR 

April 3 Acadeca Decathlon Fundraiser 5-7 pm in the Sugar Salem High School  Cafeteria – Baked Potato Bar 

$5 per person, $25 per family 

Family STE(a)M in Space Night 

5:30-7 pm at Kershaw Intermediate  School – Activities for the whole family  April 6 – Planning and Zoning 7:00 pm April 8 – Easter Celebration @10:00 a.m.  at OLD Sugar-Salem Jr. High Gym April 9 – Easter Sunday 

April 13 – City Council 6:30 pm  

April 20 – Planning and Zoning 7:00 pm  April 27 – City Council Work Meeting/ Farmer Merchant Banquet 

Dates to Remember: 

May 4 – Planning & Zoning 7:00 pm 

*All city meetings are subject to change. Citizens  are invited to attend Planning & Zoning and City  Council Meetings. Agendas are on the city  website and on the door at city hall 48 hours prior  to the meetings. You may call city hall to ask  what items are being discussed. * 


EASTER CELEBRATION: Saturday, April 8th at 10:00  

a.m., celebrate Easter with us at the OLD Sugar-Salem  

Jr. High Gymnasium. 

WATER METER READS: Due to the heavy snow 

amount, we will be reading meters at the end of April  

instead of March. Please do not start watering until May 1st

BUSINESS LICENSES: Commercial licenses are $20.00. Home businesses are  $10.00. Business licenses expire Dec 31st. Many businesses have not  renewed their licenses for this year. Please contact city hall to have it  renewed or let the office know if you are no longer conducting your  business. 

NEW FEE REMINDER: We will charge $10 on the delinquent amount after the  25th of the month. Paper bills will have a $1 fee. Shut off and re-connect fees  are $20 and after hour reconnect fee is $30. Sign up for paperless billing and  autopay at Xpress Bill pay to avoid paper billing fee and possibility of late  payment charges. 

FENCE PERMITS ARE REQUIRED: If you are putting in a new fence this year,  remember to come into city hall and fill out a fence permit. There is no fee  unless the fence is taller than six feet. 

SPRINKLER SYSTEMS: Backflow preventers are required on all sprinkler  

systems. If you didn’t have a test on your sprinkler system backflow preventer done last year, please have one done this  year and return your report to City Hall or email it to ajacobson@sugarcityidaho.gov. This is necessary to ensure that  contamination of the water supply will not happen in the event of a pressure loss to the water system. Odd numbered  addresses are to be tested this year and even numbered addresses are to be tested in even numbered years. If you have  an even numbered address and did not test last year, need to be tested this year also. Businesses are required to test  every year. The deadline to have these completed is July 1st to avoid water services from being terminated. If you have  an appointment to have your test done and it is after the 1st of July, please notify the city at  ajacobson@sugarcityidaho.gov with the date it is scheduled and with whom. Thank you! 

NON-OPERATING VEHICLES, MACHINERY IMPLEMENTS OR EQUIPMENT (lawnmowers, etc.): SUGAR CITY CODE  3-2-3 states “No one shall allow any partially dismantled, wrecked, junked, discarded or otherwise non-operating  motor vehicle, machinery implement or equipment….to remain on property longer than 14 days…or within city longer  than 14 days unless in an enclosed building or so located upon the premises as not to be readily visible from any  public place or from any surrounding private property….. If you have any such items, please remove them from your  front yards and have privacy fencing for such items in back yards to avoid city citations. 

ALLEYS & STREETS: Dumping is NOT allowed in the alleys. Do NOT place any refuse, furniture, yard waste, etc. in  alleys. If you have any waste, trash, weeds, etc. in the alleys please remove all items to avoid any citations. There is no  longer a spring cleanup. There is no longer a city dumpster to use during summer months. Yard waste is not allowed in  the streets such as grass clippings being blown or swept into street. Waste in the street washes to drains causing them  to plug up. It is difficult to clean the drains and it creates a hazard for potential street flooding. Wet grass and leaves are  also a breeding ground for mosquitoes. The city would appreciate your cooperation in keeping the gutters clean.


 Steve Adams, Mayor 

Wendy McLaughlin, Clerk-Treasurer 

Arlynn Jacobson, Public Works Director 

Quinton Owens, City Building Inspector 

Kimber Jones, Code Enforcement Officer 


Ph: 208-356-7561 Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. P.O. Box 56 – 10 E. Center  Fax: 208-359-2654 Sugar City, ID 83448