
David D. Ogden, Mayor 

Wendy McLaughlin, ClerkTreasurer Shelley Jones, Deputy ClerkTreasurer 

  1. Zane Baler, Public Works Director 

Phone: (208) 356 7561 

Fax: (208) 359 2654 

Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. 

Aug 3 -Planning & Zoning Meeting 

7 p.m. 

Aug 3-5- War Bonnet Rodeo at Sandy Downs in Idaho Falls 

August 7-12 Madison County Fair 

Aug 10 City Council Meeting 6:30 p.m. August 15 Celebrate Youth 2:00 PM through evening 

Call 359-3300 for information 

August 16 Rexburg Mobile Food Pantry 5:30 PM 7:30 PM 

Volunteers needed between 4:30 p.m. & 8:30 p.m. 

Aug 15-16 School Registration for All Schools 

Aug 17 Planning & Zoning Meeting 7 p.m. 

August 21 Sugar Days Eclipse Celebration See enclosed flyer for information 

August 23- 1st day of school 

Planning & Zoning: Possible Public 

Hearings for: Proposed Variance for Property Located at 222 S. Fremont Ave., Special Use Permit for Property Located at 220 S. Teton Ave., Preliminary Plat Application of Old Farm Estates Division #2 Block 12, Preliminary Plat Application of Old Farm Estates Division #2 Block 14, City Code Revision for Parking Space Requirements and Land Use Schedule, Definitions & Map 

Aug 24 City Council Meeting 6:30 p.m. *PUBLIC HEARINGS: SEWER RATE FEE INCREASE, ANIMAL LICENSE FEES, WATER STRUCTURE FEES, CITY BUDGET* Also Decision on Old Farm Estates Division #3 Motion for Reconsideration 

August 26 Youth Triathlon @ Rexburg Rapids Call 208-359-3300 x 3434 

Dates to Remember

Eastern Idaho State Fair Sept. 3-10th 


City of Sugar City 


P.O. Box 56 10 East Center 

Sugar City, Idaho 83448 

Support our local businesses 

AUGUST 2017 

PIONEER COMMUNITY BREAKFAST: Many people were served a wonderful breakfast this year. We wish to thank all who helped in any way to make this activity possible, including our city maintenance crew and all the cooks and servers. We wish to give a special thank you to each of the following: Mayor Ogden and City Council 

Stones Town and Country for their annual sponsorship and for cooking the delicious breakfast 

Dickinson Foods for their contribution of hash browns 

Walmart for their contribution of the watermelons 

Broulims for their contribution of the bananas and for accommodating us for other needs for the picnic 

Sugar City 7th Ward members for the cleanup and for others who helped We appreciate everyone who donated to help and appreciate those who attended

Congratulations to our July yard and garden winners. Thank you for making our community beautiful

Walt & Rosie Kolditz 

Bill Schofield 

Jared & Kendra Jenks 

Melvin & Winona Bean 

Kevin & Cindy Miyasaki 

Bryce & Sherry Holman Cheryle Nanney 

Sharon Archibald 

START OF SCHOOL: School starts Wednesday, August 23. We caution everyone to drive carefully and watch for children. Also notice that during school hours Center Street will be back down to 25 mph

WATER QUALITY REPORT: Sugar City has the 2017 Water Quality Report. It will be available soon on the City’s Website. It is also available at City Hall to review

SPRINKLER SYSTEMS: Thank you to those that have completed your backflow test! Anyone who is going to put in a new sprinkler system will need to get a permit from the city. If you already have a system, please check to make sure it has a double check backflow device. It needs to be tested by someone who is certified. Please bring your report into City Hall. This is required every 2 years for residential and yearly for commercial. The DEQ (Department of Environmental Quality) requires this of the city to ensure that contamination of the water supply will not happen in the event of a pressure loss to the water system. Call City Hall for questions. Come check out our Facebook page as well as the city’s website for updated community information

David D. Ogden, Mayor 

Wendy McLaughlin, ClerkTreasurer 

Shelley Jones, Deputy ClerkTreasurer 

Phone: (208) 356 7561 

Fax: (208) 359 2654 

Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. 





City of Sugar City 

P.O. Box 56 10 East Center Sugar City, Idaho 83448 

Support our local businesses 

August 3, 2017 

Dear City Residents

The city has undergone a significant change in the last week. That change underscores a fundamental problem that has arisen in our small community. Bruce Arnell and Matt Garner of the city council resigned on the 20th of July. I was saddened by this event, especially because of their reasons for doing so. I would like to take this opportunity to let you know what happened and why

At our last staff meeting both Bruce and Matt came and expressed their desire to resign as of the next city council meeting. This meant that I had about three days to create a list of potential candidates for me to appoint and replace them. First, I would like to express my gratitude and love for Bruce and Matt. They put in countless hours trying to do what is best for this community. We did not always agree on things, but we always respected each other’s viewpoint. It is sad that they received so much criticism and personal attacks from those who disagreed with their positions

As I interviewed and discussed the situation with many on that list I arrived at two people that I believe will be great city councilmen. The names of Brent Barrus and Greg Venema were presented to the council on the 20th for their confirmation. The council graciously confirmed them, and they were sworn into their new positions. I appreciate the difficult position they have agreed to take on, especially since there is significant controversy over the requested zone change in the Old Farm Estates subdivision

I do believe that everyone has the right to their own opinion, and that we should not only consider that opinion, but respect the person who has expressed it. However, it is ultimately the responsibility of the city council to make a final decision on issues that generally have two sides expressing their viewpoints. It is unfortunate that this city has been torn apart by contention and incorrect information. I have made many decisions of importance in my life, but it seems that the best ones have been in concert with those who may feel differently. It has allowed me to really take a look at my position and maybe modify it to something that is more in keeping to what is best. I recommend to each of us to not only be considerate of others feelings, but to make the bestinformed decision we can reach, using the best and most correct information we can obtain

Finally, I am concerned by the reports I have received of individuals and businesses that have indicated they would not locate here because of the controversy and contention. This is a sad commentary about what is going on, and it hurts our community. I would implore all of us to be more open to the possibilities that this community may have for good quality growth, which would make this place an even better place to live. Thanks for your consideration and willingness to help


David D. Ogden, Mayor


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