David D. Ogden, Mayor 

Wendy McLaughlin, ClerkTreasurer Shelley Jones, Deputy ClerkTreasurer Arlynn Jacobson, Public Works Director 


August 2- Planning & Zoning CANCELLED Aug 2-4 War Bonnet Rodeo at Sandy Downs in Idaho Falls 

Aug 9City Council @ 6:30 p.m. August 13-18 Madison County Fair August 14 Celebrate Youth 

2:00 p.m. through evening 

August 16-7:00 p.m. Planning & Zoning 

Aug 14-15 School Registration for All Schools 

August 21 Rexburg Mobile Food Pantry 

5:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 

Volunteers needed between 

4:30 p.m. & 8:30 p.m. 

August 22-1st day of school 

Aug 23 City Council @ 6:30 p.m. 

**Public Hearing -Water & Sewer Rate Increase, Reopen 2018 Budget & Adopt 2019 Budget** 

August 30-7:00 p.m. Planning & Zoning Aug. 31 Sept. 8 Eastern Idaho State Fair 


Planning & Zoning Sept. 6th @ 7:00 p.m. 



September 22 National Public Lands Day 

November 11 Veterans Day 

***All city meetings are subject to change – 

see city website*** 

Support Our Local Businesses 

Sugar City 

AUGUST 2018 

***PUBLIC HEARING AUG 23 @ 6:30 P.M.*** 

PIONEER COMMUNITY BREAKFAST & SUGAR DAYS CELEBRATION: We would like to thank all those who joined the celebration. We especially want to thank our city staff, sponsors and volunteers who made the celebration possible. We hope if you get a chance you will thank them as well

Stone’s Town & Country 


The Occasions Group (formerly known as Artco

Kettle Embroidery 

River Country 


Moody Creek Produce 

Festive Occasions Bridal & Prom by Tammy Tolman 

Beehive Federal Credit Union 

MD Landscaping 

Allstate Equipment 

Gator Jacks/Gorilla Performance 

Circuit Trucking 

Ole’s Diner 


Please take a minute to give us your feedback at 


CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR JULY OUTSTANDING YARD AND GARDEN WINNERS! Thanks for making Sugar City such a beautiful place to live

July Yard Awards 

Lynn & Natella Romrell Jared & Kendra Jenks 

Delores Birch Cheryle Nanney Mitch Workman 

Dee & Melanie Brower 

Jorge & Laurie Orduno 

Bryan Harris 

July Garden Awards 

Tyler & Necia Hoopes 

Bo & Jodie Crofoot 

Dewey & Vicky Furniss Joy Ball 

Sharon Archibald 

Brent & Donna Jean Kinghorn Mel Bean 

Max Egbert 

START OF SCHOOL: School starts Wednesday, August 22. We caution everyone to drive carefully and watch for children. Remember that during school hours Center Street will be back down to 25 mph

WATER QUALITY REPORT: Sugar City has the 2018 Water Quality Report. It is available at City Hall to review

**SEWER SYSTEM BACKUPS: Due to recent sewage system problems, we would like to remind everyone to please not flush items down the toilet that may cause potential blockages. Feminine products cause blockages in the system so please refrain from flushing these items along with other items large enough to cause problems. Thank you!** 

**CITY DUMPSTER: The city is charged an additional amount if household waste is placed in the dumpster. Please DO NOT use the dumpster for household waste so that we may continue to have this privilege in our city.** 

NO DUMPING OF YARD WASTE OR ITEMS IN CITY: Dumping at the end of streets or in alleys is not allowed other than the designated times for city clean up in May and October. Refer to CITY CODE 3-1-8

BURNING WITHIN THE CITY: City Code does not address burning waste. County guidelines must be followed. FDMadison.org

Ph: 208-356-7561 

Fax: 208-359-2654 

Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. 

P.O. Box 5610 E. Center 

Sugar City, ID 83448 

Sugar City 

David D. Ogden, Mayor 

Wendy McLaughlin, ClerkTreasurer Shelley Jones, Deputy ClerkTreasurer Arlynn Jacobson, Public Works Director 

July 27, 2018 


Dear Friends

As you have noticed we have a new logo for Sugar City. I would like to thank Delorum for helping us through the process, and for many of you who expressed your opinions about our city and how the logo should look. The Mayor and City Council are happy to present you with the final result of that work. You can look at the presentation provided by Delorum that will be coming out in the monthly electronic billing, or if not there, it will be posted to the website. This presentation will show the process used in coming up with the logo. Thank you for your help in making this happen

We had good success with our Sugar Days Celebration held on Saturday, July 21st. The breakfast was attended by about 700 people. This is more than anyone can remember having in the past. I would like to thank Stone’s Town and Country for sponsoring the breakfast. I would also like to thank Vaun Waddell for all the work he put into getting us the food and making sure it went smoothly

The Mayor and some of the City Council went up in a fire engine and participated in the Pioneer Day Parade in St. Anthony that same morning. We then provided activities for the remainder of the day. It seemed to me that the climbing wall and the bull riding activity were the most popular, but fun was had by all who attended

There were also some vendors at the celebration, and they seemed to have done well. I would also like to thank those companies and individuals who provided funds as sponsors for the day’s activities, including River Country radio station. A list of those sponsors is in the City Newsletter. We learned a great deal during the planning of this and hope to have an even better and bigger celebration next year. Thanks again for your support


David D. Ogden, Mayor 

Ph: 208-356-7561 

Fax: 208-359-2654 

Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. 

P.O. Box 56 10 E. Center Sugar City, ID 83448


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