Steve Adams, Mayor 

Wendy McLaughlin, Clerk-Treasurer 

Arlynn Jacobson, Public Works Director 

Quinton Owens, City Building Inspector 

Kimber Jones, Code Enforcement Officer 



Dec 1 – Planning and Zoning 7:00 pm 

Public Hearings 

Dec 5 – Annual Christmas Tree Lighting at 6:00 p.m. at Heritage Park followed by Santa at  City Hall 

Dec 7 – PEARL HARBOR REMEMBERANCE DAY Dec 8 – City Council/P&Z Work Meeting 6:00 pm to be held at Sugar Salem High School Cafeteria Dec 15 – Planning and Zoning 7:00 pm Dec 22 – No council mtg. 

Dec 23-26 – OFFICE CLOSED 

Dec 25 – CHRISTMAS  

Dec 30-Jan 2 – OFFICE CLOSED 

Dates to Remember: 

Jan 1 – NEW YEAR’S DAY  

Jan 5 – Planning & Zoning 7:00 pm  

***All city meetings are subject to change – see city website for meeting schedules*** 



There is no cost to create an account. The switch  

was made to Xpress Bill Pay to provide you with many new and  enhanced features like full bill presentation, paperless billing, billing  history, auto pay with minimal fee, stored payment information and  email notifications which will include the MONTHLY NEWSLETTER. You  will be directed to the new website when you select the “NEW – Xpress  Bill Pay Online Payments” red tab on the city’s website  at or you can access Xpress Bill Pay  at


Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony will be held 

Monday, December 5th at Heritage Park at 6 p.m.  

Santa will drive by after the tree lighting on his  

way to City Hall to meet with the kids. Cookies  

and cocoa will be provided at City Hall where the  

kids can stay warm. 

HOLIDAY CLOSURES: City Hall will be closed December 23rd through 26th for Christmas and December 30th through January  2nd for New Year’s. 

HOLIDAY GARBAGE PICK-UP: Garbage pickup will be on a normal schedule as Christmas and New Year’s fall on Sunday. PSI  Environmental will not pick up garbage sitting outside of the provided container. If you need more than one can for your  garbage service, please call city hall to obtain a second can. Please tie garbage bags tightly before placing garbage bags in  containers. 

SNOW REMOVAL: Keep cars uncovered from snow and parked back off roads to eliminate being clipped by the snowplows. DO NOT BLOW, PUSH OR SHOVEL SNOW INTO ROADS. According to City Code 4-5-2 B it constitutes a Misdemeanor. 

OVERNIGHT PARKING: Reminder of our snow ordinance, City Code 6-1-2 A.1, no parking on city streets from December  1st through March 1st, between the hours of 12 midnight and 7 a.m. Failure to comply constitutes an infraction. 

KENNEL LICENSE RENEWALS: Kennel licenses expire December 31st. Come into city hall to pay for your renewal. 

DOG LICENSE REMINDER: Dog tags are currently available at city hall. The cost is $15 per year per pet lifetime. Make sure your pets are licensed with a city tag. If you have a photo of your pet to put on file this would also be helpful if they are lost. 

BUSINESS LICENSE REMINDER: Business licenses expire Dec 31st. Commercial licenses are $20.00. Home businesses are  $10.00. You may send in a check to pay for your license and a new license will be mailed to you. (Do not combine with utility payment; it must be a separate check.)

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ph: 208-356-7561 Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. P.O. Box 56 – 10 E. Center  Fax: 208-359-2654 Sugar City, ID 83448   


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