雞 路 

City of Sugar City 

10 East Center Post Office Box 56 

Sugar City, Idaho 83448 

Support our local businesses 

February, 2008 

Dear Sugar City Residents: 


Feb. 7, 7 p.m. – Planning & Zoning Meeting 

Public Hearings: 

Business Park Zone Change Title 9, Chapter 13-4-C 

Title 10, Chapters 1-4, Subdivision Proposed Impact Area Map 

Feb. 14, 6:30 p.m. – City Council Meeting 

Public Hearing: 

Transfer of property to Madison County Fire Protection District 

Feb. 18 – City Hall will be closed in honor of 

Presidents’ Day 

Feb. 21, 7 p.m. – Planning & Zoning Meeting 

Feb. 28, 6:30 p.m. City Council Meeting 

to buckle your seatbelts before you drive! 

PRESIDENTS’ DAY: City Hall will be closed Monday, February 18, in honor of Presidents’ Day

GARBAGE CANS: In order to do snow removal, garbage cans need to be pulled in on Thursday evenings after garbage pickup. Thanks for your cooperation in this. 

OVERNIGHT PARKING REMINDER: No parking is allowed on city streets from December 1st through March 1st, between the hours of 12 o’clock midnight and 7 o’clock a.m. We intend to remove snow between the hours of midnight and 7 or 8 a.m. 

ANNOUNCEMENT – FEBRUARY SEAT BELT CAMPAIGN: BYU-I Project Team HIGH FIVE FOR SAFETY would like to remind parents and students 

CITY WEB SITE: In the future we will make available proposed ordinances for review on the Ordinances page of the city Web site. 

SNOW REMOVAL has been a challenge this winter so far. D, John and Wayne have done a superb job along with the many volunteers who help with cleaning driveways. Please be advised that the city’s cleaning of driveways is a service that has become a tradition. This service is not done in most cities. However, we have no intent to stop performing this service. Please be advised that our employees are instructed to make one push only with the backhoe to mainly open the ridge made by the grader or snowplow. Also be reminded that they must start somewhere and end somewhere. So please be patient. 


911 Emergencies 

356-5426 – Sheriff’s Office (non-emergency) 356-3282 – Crime Busters (to stay anonymous

Mayor Glenn W. Dalling City Council and Staff 


Web site: Web site: 



January 23, 2008 

We have quality employees on our office staff. We have both a financial and effective system. The office is open from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Our treasurer, Marcie A. Smith, works from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and our clerk, Sharon L. Bell, works from 12:00 noon to 4:00 p.m. Janette Clark works part time helping here at the city hall when her classes at the university allows. She will be able to work more hours when her intern work begins in the spring. Dee Brower, our public works director, is full time. He is assisted part time by Johnnie Luthy, who is skilled in repairs and maintenance of equipment. Also, Wayne Sharp helps out with snow removal and any other grader work

We want to welcome Lamont Merrill to the council and at the same time express our appreciation for the services of Walter Deitz. The council is organized with Harold Harris as president and Bruce King as vice-president. The council meets twice a month in an attempt to keep their work current and they carry heavy loads with their department assignments. Their assignments are as follows

Harold Harris Streets, alleys, snow removal; council liaison with building inspector; assistant supervisor of maintenance employees

Bruce King 

– Garbage and sanitation; provide leadership in obtaining available grants and donations; liaison with Planning & Zoning; coordinate ordinance revisions; oversee city Web site development and updates. 

Brad Orme Parks and recreation – responsible for and supervises all city-sponsored recreational activities; animal and insect control (mosquito); supervise and maintain neighborhood watch program

Lamont Merrill Water and sewer; take the lead and promote community activities and programs with volunteer workers

Our council works well together. They face difficult decisions continuously with the new developments in order to protect the existing property owners from the new development expenses. Efficiency and expertise characterize the council

We recently received a very favorable audit report from Searle, Hart and Associates. This report stated that the city was in good financial status. Also, our accounting procedures are handled correctly

We are more than pleased with the work of our Planning and Zoning Commission. They have been very productive with our ordinance revisions and are prepared to face numerous challenges as the development of Toscano and Old Farm Estates progress



The city infrastructure is adequate, in good repair, and is functioning well, which includes roads, sewer and water systems. Our parks are beautifully maintained. The summer recreation activities have made good use of the athletic fields and shelters are scheduled and heavily used for all types of activities. The summer recreation programs, organized totally by volunteers, continue to be very successful and include T-ball, softball, baseball and soccer. 

The enclosure between the city administrative building and the city shop is just about complete, thanks to Harold Harris and the Madison County inmates. This area will house the dog pound and provide additional storage

The beautification committee, with the help of Don Rydalch, has secured a grant for the enhancement of the west entrance. Work will begin early in the spring and is planned to be completed before fall. 

The bike path has been redesigned by removing some of the line items, including additional surveying and landscaping, and is now ready to go out for bids. It should be completed in the summer of 2008. 

The development of the business park is proceeding on schedule. Forsgren Associates have been selected as the engineers and have completed the design for most of the infrastructure. They are working towards the following schedule

  1. March 1, the project design ready to advertise for bids
  2. April 15, the construction of the park infrastructure begins and to be 

completed by early fall, 2008

  1. First building in the park to begin construction in late 2008 or early 2009 is 

Yellowstone Hotel Systems

The annexation problem with Rexburg regarding the Harris Family Trust property has been resolved. This compromise gives 30 acres of the Harris property on the west to the City of Rexburg and the 50 acres on the east to Sugar City. This agreement also provides for wastewater disposal to the entire area on the west, as well as a long-term agreement on the wastewater, which is essential to the future growth of Sugar City, which in essence establishes the Rexburg wastewater plant as a regional plant




Click Here for Newsletter February 2008