1. David D. Ogden, Mayor  

    Wendy McLaughlin, Clerk-Treasurer  Shelley Jones, Deputy Clerk-Treasurer  M. Zane Baler, Public Works Director  Phone: (208) 356 7561  

    Fax: (208) 359 2654  

    Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.  

    JULY 2016  

    City of Sugar City  

    P.O. Box 56 – 10 East Center  Sugar City, iciaho 83448  

    Support our local businesses  

    July 1-2 Whoopee Days Rodeo  Madison County Fairgrounds  Mutton Bustin’-6:30 pm, Rodeo-7:00  pm, Fireworks-approx. 9:45 pm after  rodeo  


    THANKS to all of those who have contributed to  our flower fund! The city is looking beautiful!  


    Adult Tickets-$8.00, Students-$5.00,  Family-$30.00 – Sold at Broulims,  Albertsons, Cal Ranch, Valley Wide &  Upper Valley Vet  

    July 4 – Independence Day  

    City Office Closed  

    Main Street Mile – 9:15 am begins @  County Courthouse in Rexburg  Flag Raising – 9:30 am @ Veterans  Memorial at Smith Park in Rexburg  Parade – 10:00 am Main St., Rexburg  Porter Park Celebration – (Rexburg)  9:00 am – 2:00 pm  

    For more information on events  contact (208) 356 – 5700  

    July 7 -Planning & Zoning Meeting  7 p.m.  

    July 11 – Idaho International  Summerfest Street Festival  

    5:00 – 9:00 p.m. in Rexburg  

    Street Dance 9:00 -11:00 p.m.  

    July 14 – City Council Meeting 6:30 p.m.  

    July 21 – Planning & Zoning Meeting  7 p.m.  

    July 23rd – Pioneer Day Celebrations  Community Breakfast @  

    Heritage Park Sugar City  

    6:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.  

    St. Anthony Parade/Car Show –  10:30 a.m.  

    July 28 – City Council Meeting 6:30 p.m.  

    Dates to Remember:  

    Madison County Fair: August 17-20 

    PLEASE SUPPORT OUR LOCAL BUSINESSES: They are greatly  appreciated and are such a wonderful convenience for our citizens. We  would like to welcome two new businesses to the community – Stone  Ridge Dental now open at the corner of Center St. and N. Austin and Pro  Peat, a wholesale fertilizer plant, opening soon at 478 W 3rd N.  

    GARBAGE PICK-UP REMINDER: Garbage is being picked up on Fridays  from now on. There are 6 holidays that will postpone garbage pick-up  for Saturday. Those holidays are: New Years, Memorial Day, 4th of July,  Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas.  

    RECYCLING: There has been some interest by some of our citizens to  have a recycling program in our city. If you would be interested please  go to https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/682DZNC and take our  survey. There would need to be at least 125 committed residents  before the recycling company would offer this service to us. The cost  would be $8.00 per month and it would be picked up every 2 weeks on  garbage day. Items collected would be paper, plastics, tin & aluminum.  

    SPRINKLER SYSTEMS: Anyone who is going to put in a new sprinkler  system will need to get a permit from the city. If you already have a  system, please check to make sure it has a double check backflow  device. It needs to be tested by someone who is certified. Please bring  your report into City Hall. This is required every 2 years for  residential and vearly for commercial. The DEQ (Department of  Environmental Quality) requires this of the city to ensure that  contamination of the water supply will not happen in the event of a  pressure loss to the water system. Thanks to those that have already  brought in test results! Call City Hall for questions.  

    WATERING TIP: According to research from Utah State University in  Logan, Utah, lawns dont really require as much water as many of us are  giving them. Lawns should receive 1/2 inch of water every 3 to 4  days. Place water cans or buckets around your yard when you  water. As soon as you get 1/2 inch of water in your bucket or can, stop  watering and remember how much time it took the sprinkler to put that  much water out. Set your timer to only give that much water every 3 – 4  days. You will have to water more frequently as it gets hotter in July  and August by watering every 2-3 days. Increasing the amount of water  will not help; it will only wash through the soil.  

    David D. Ogden, Mayor  

    Wendy McLaughlin, Clerk-Treasurer  Shelley Jones, Deputy Clerk-Treasurer  

    Phone: (208) 356 7561  

    Fax: (208) 359 2654  

    Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.  

    Dear City Residents,  

    City of Sugar City  

    P.O. Box 56 – 10 East Center  

    Sugar City, Idaho 83448  

    Support our local businesses  

    June 28, 2016  

    Veterans Day and the Fourth of July are some of my favorite holidays of  the year. My father and many of my other relatives served in the  military. Although I never had the opportunity to serve, as a member of a  military family I had the opportunity to travel to many places and see  what our military does throughout the world.  

    We were stationed in Okinawa during the Korean conflict, and my father  related how much the economy of the local area was affected by the base  activities and the jobs it provided. Dad was an engineer for the Air Force,  and worked with the Army engineers to help rebuild bridges, roads, and  other infrastructure that were being damaged during the war. There is no  other nation on earth that provides this kind of service to its enemies.  

    We were also stationed on Guam during the Vietnam conflict, where my  mother was a nurse, and we got to see firsthand some of the terrible  effects of war. The price our veterans have paid for the freedoms we  enjoy are unimaginable and priceless. The ongoing cost of those who  survived the conflicts, and the families of those who did not return, is  more than anyone can imagine.  

    The freedoms we now enjoy and have enjoyed for generations have a  price. We must all pay that price if we are going to continue to enjoy  them. Part of that price is participation in our local communities. I  encourage each of us to become aware of what our community needs, and  become a part of the solutions needed to make sure our community  remains safe, clean, and comfortable. 

    I came back from a meeting a couple of weeks ago, and as I entered Sugar  City from the highway noticed a group of young people, along with Tom  and Jan Gallup, working on our sign to keep it looking beautiful. What a  wonderful thing for them to do.  

    I think of the many hours the members of our Planning & Zoning  commission provide to keep our land use codes in line with the changing  environment growth causes in our city. Our Tree & Beautification  committee also puts in many hours on projects to make our city look  beautiful. Our staff works hard to make sure the services you receive are  ongoing and without interruption, so you do not have to worry. All of  these people are greatly appreciated.  

    We are looking to create a Community Activities Committee, to enhance  and grow the kind of activities that will help us come together more often  and provide fellowshipping opportunities. If there are those of you who  would like to become a member of this committee, please contact us at  city hall.  

    Freedoms are not free. I would encourage all of us to become a part of  what happens in our city, and continue to provide the many acts of  service that I see every day. Thank you for that service.  


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    David D. Ogden, Mayor


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