July 2023 CALENDAR 

July 4 – Independence Day 


July 6 – Planning and Zoning 7:00 pm

July 13 – City Council 6:30 pm

East Parkway Corridor Public Hearing July 20 – Planning and Zoning 7:00 pm

July 27 – City Council 6:30 pm

Dates to Remember: 

Aug 3 – Planning & Zoning 7:00 pm  

*All city meetings are subject to change. Citizens  are invited to attend Planning & Zoning and City  Council Meetings. Agendas are on the city  website and on the door at city hall 48 hours prior  to the meetings. You may call city hall to ask  what items are being discussed. * 

SUGAR DAYS CELEBRATION: Many thanks to the following donors who helped make Sugar  Days a success: 

Stones Toyota 
Rocky Mountain Power 
Idaho Central Credit Union 
PSI Waste Systems 

A big thanks to musicians and talent shared and the vendors who participated in our event.  Thanks to all of you who came and supported them and the city in this annual event. We  would love to hear your feedback and suggestions for next year. Please email  sjones@sugarcityidaho.gov with comments and suggestions.



Because of Independence Day on Tuesday, July 4th, garbage pickup for this week will be  Saturday, July 8th. 

BACKFLOW TESTS DUE JULY 15TH: If you have an appointment to have your test done and it is after the 15th of July, please notify the  city at ajacobson@sugarcityidaho.gov with the date it is scheduled and with whom. Thank you! 

**NEWS ON 5TH SOUTH** The new road is expected to be completed the end of July or first part of August. 


Watch for children on the roads. The city has been receiving calls from concerned citizens about children  playing in the roads. Teach children to use crosswalks and lights and most important look both ways before stepping into the road. Not all cars are stopping for lights.  

CURFEW: Parents reminder curfew is 11 pm to 5 am Sunday -Thursday and 12:30 am to 5 am Friday – Saturday. Violation is a  misdemeanor for minor and for guardian. See SCC 4-3. 

ATV LAWS: With summer fast approaching the use of ATV such as four-wheelers has increased. A reminder that driving unregistered ATVs  on city roads is against the law. ATV may be driven on city roads if they comply with the following: 

  • Vehicle must be licensed  
  • Operator must be licensed and be carrying license while driving 
  • Helmets must be worn under the age of 18  
  • ATVs cannot be driven on highways or freeways (which includes Center Street in Sugar City)  
  • Operators must observe ALL roadway laws 
  • ATVs are not allowed in city parks or on schoolgrounds 


STREET AND ALLEY CLUTTER: We have noticed that many of the city streets and alleys are being used to park campers, trailers, fire wood and other debris. Please  remember that city easements are for utility services, city equipment and emergency equipment only. Please park and place all personal  items on your own property, not in alleys or on streets. See city code 3-1-13:A, 6-1-2:A. 

DOGS IN CITY: Only 2 per household are allowed. Please keep dogs on a leash at ALL times, even in the parks to  avoid city citation and fines. SUGAR CITY CODE 4-4-6. Fines are $150.00. 


 Steve Adams, Mayor 

Wendy McLaughlin, Clerk-Treasurer 

Arlynn Jacobson, Public Works Director 

Quinton Owens, City Building Inspector 

Kimber Jones, Code Enforcement Officer 


Ph: 208-356-7561 Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. P.O. Box 56 – 10 E. Center  Fax: 208-359-2654 Sugar City, ID 83448