1. David D. Ogden, Mayor  

    Wendy McLaughlin, Clerk-Treasurer  Shelley Jones, Deputy Clerk-Treasurer  M. Zane Baler, Public Works Director  Phone: (208) 356 7561  

    Fax: (208) 359 2654  

    Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.  

    City of Sugar City  

    P.O. Box 56 – 10 East Center  Sugar City, Idaho 83448  

    Support our local businesses  

    MAY 2016 Happy Mother’s Day!  

    May 5th – 7 p.m. Planning &  Zoning Meeting  

    May 7 – Cinco de Mayo  

    Celebration 12-3 p.m. @ Heritage  Park  

    May 8th – Mother’s Day  

    May 9thSpring Cleanup  May 9thArbor Day Celebration  11:30 a.m.  

    May 12th & 13th Hazardous  Waste Collection 7:00 to 5:00  

    ANIMAL ORDINANCE PUBLIC HEARINGS: “Animals Other Than Canines”,  Ordinance # 304. You may see the proposed changes to the ordinance on the city’s  website or conne into city hall for a copy. The public hearings will be on May 26th  and on June 9th. We encourage citizen participation.  

    “DALLING ANNEXATION & ZONE ASSIGNMENT” & “STATUS OF FUNDED  ACTVITIES FOR BLOCK GRANT” PUBLIC HEARINGS: The public hearings  concerning “Dalling Annexation & Zone Assignment” and “The Status of Funded  Activities” will be on May 12that 6:30 p.m.  

    GARBAGE PICKUP: Because of Memorial Day on Monday, May 30th, garbage  pickup for that week will be Friday, June 3.  

    HAZARDOUS WASTE COLLECTION DATES: Household Hazardous Waste  Collection Day for Madison County residents is coming up on May 12th(Thursday)  and 13th (Friday). The collection will take place at the Madison County Transfer  

    May 12th -City Council Meeting  6:30 p.m. **Public Hearings on  

    Station at 530 Airport Road in Rexburg from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.  This service is free of charge. The next collection dates are Sept. 8th  

    & 9th

    Dalling Property & Status of  Funded Activities for Block  G rant**  

    May 19th – 7p.m. Planning &  Zoning Meeting  

    May 26th – City Council Meeting  6:30 p.m. **Public Hearing on  Animal Ordinance**  

    May 27th (Friday) – Fisherman’s  Breakfast – 6:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.  Clyde Keefer Memorial Park  St. Anthony, ld  

    May 30thMemorial Day  City Office Closed  

    Dates to Remember:  

    June 4thTeton Dann Marathon  

    July 23″1  

    Community Breakfast @  

    Heritage Park  

    6:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.  

    CINCO DE MAYO CELEBRATION: The Sugar City Stake Public Affairs Committee  along with St. Patrick’s Catholic Church in Rexburg will be hosting the first Cinco de  Mayo Celebration at the Sugar City Heritage Park from 12:00 to 3:00  p.m. Saturday, May 7. Authentic Mexican Food will be for sale to help raise money  to pay for a needed new roof for the Catholic Church in Rexburg. Pifiata’s, dance  performances, chant contests and other activities will be provided for the public’s  enjoyment. Plan to stop by and enjoy some great food and entertainment.  Contact Elaine King at 356-4419 for more information.  

    ARBOR DAY CELEBRATION: As Sugar City is an official Tree City, USA, the Tree  and Beautification Committee will be holding an Arbor Day Celebration on May 9th  at 11:30 a.m. near the gazebo in Heritage Park where a new tree will be planted.  Students from the Kershaw School participated in an Arbor Day Art Contest and the  winners will be honored at the tree planting ceremony. Conne see their artwork  displayed at city hall. The public is welcome to attend.  

    SPRING CLEANUP: Spring cleanup begins May 9th. Please wait for city wide  clean-up to put out garbage to help prevent the wind from blowing garbage  around our city. The dumpster on the west side of town is also available for  use. Please do not use the dumpster for household garbage. Since it is  expensive for the crews to backtrack, we will be unable to accomnnodate backtrack  requests. Due to regulations, please be reminded first, we cannot pick up leaves  and grass clippings unless they are bagged. Second, we cannot pick up large  projects such as rennodeling materials, roofing, large pieces of concrete, tires, paint,  chennicals, batteries, and used oil. Please cut tree limbs to ten-foot lengths or less.  

    FLOWER BARREL FUND: We will continue planting live flowers in the barrels on Center Street this year. We appreciate  any donations, which are generally $5.00, to fund this project. If you would like to help, please make a separate check out  and mark contributions “Flower Fund” and drop them off at City Hall or send thenn in with your utility bill. Thank you.  

    ***FYI: ln the near future, we will be creating a FAQ’s page on our website that will address common questions.***  ***REMINDER: Please have your backflow preventers on your sprinkler systems tested and bring your report into  City Hall. Thank you.  

    David D. Ogden, Mayor  

    Wendy McLaughlin, Clerk-Treasurer  Shelley Jones, Deputy Clerk-Treasurei  

    Phone: (208) 356 7561  

    Fax: (208) 359 2654  

    Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 4 p.nn.  

    Dear City Residents,  

    City of Sugar City  

    P.O. Box 56 – 10 East Center  

    Sugar City, Idaho 83448  

    Support our local businesses  

    May 3, 2016  

    It is nice to finally have Spring, especially as we see all of the preparations  you are making to make this such a beautiful place to live. We will be  celebrating Arbor Day on May 9th at 11:30 am in Heritage Park. We  encourage all of you to attend the event. I received a letter last month  indicating that Sugar City was named a 2015 Tree City USA by the Arbor  Day Foundation. The city is one of 3,400 communities that have received  this honor.  

    The project to provide city services to the new fertilizer plant, located just  north of the Sugar City Business Park, is nearing completion. We are  excited that this business has decided to make Sugar City its home. This  will provide some good jobs for the community and is making a  significant impact to our local economy. We are hoping to have a ribbon  cutting ceremony when the building is finished. I hope that you will help  us to welcome them.  

    The Tree and Beautification Committee is working hard to plant flowers in  newer containers and in more locations. We hope that you will consider  donating to the City for this effort. This helps to make Sugar City a  beautiful place. We also thank them for putting on the Arbor Day  Celebration. They are doing such a great job for the city.  

    I have received some letters from residents about the impact of the newly  rejuvenated Old Farm Estates subdivision, located just to the south of the  LDS Stake Center. The new owners have worked hard to address this  ongoing concern, while trying to bring needed growth to our city, after  many years of a declining economy. 

    There are currently eleven homes that have been completed or are in  some state of construction. A few of these homes already have families  residing there. It is anticipated that it will take about ten to fifteen years  for this subdivision to become full. This will allow the city to work with  the school district in order to anticipate and provide for the number of  new students. We have already had meetings with the district on this  very important matter. There will also be impacts to the water and sewer  systems operated by the city. We have already authorized studies to be  done in order to anticipate this impact, and will set in place strategies on  how to best meet this growth.  

    Madison County has just completed a transportation study, which will  allow us to anticipate the new traffic flows, and then go after monies that  will help us meet the increasing demand on our streets. Especially 3 d r South and 7thWest up to 9t North. These will be the main ones impacted.  

    The city currently provides law enforcement through the Madison County  Sherriff’s office. We will maintain a good working relationship with them.  However, we will need everyone’s help to stay vigilant and report any  problems you may become aware of. I will encourage them to become  more visible to the public and provide more patrols in our community.  

    We are considering the creation of a Community Events Committee to  help plan and administer new activities, as well as the old ones. If you  have any ideas for good events or would like to participate on this  committee, please contact the city.  

    All of this, of course, costs money. However, as time goes on we will have  more taxpayers to support these projects, especially as we encourage good  businesses to locate here. Please become a part of the solution by  participating in the decision making process. I realize that growth and  change is not easy, but it is inevitable. I believe that we can make each  challenge an opportunity for good things to happen. Thank you.  


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    David D. Ogden, Mayor


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