David D. Ogden, Mayor  

Wendy McLaughlin, Clerk-Treasurer  Shelley Jones, Deputy Clerk-Treasurer  M. Zane Baler, Public Works Director  Phone: (208) 356 7561  

Fax: (208) 359 2654  

Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.  


City of Sugar City  

P.O. Box 56 – 10 East Center  Sugar City, Idaho 83448  

Support our local businesses  


Nov 6 Daylight Savings Ends  Nov 8 Election Day  

Remember to Vote!  

Nov 3 Design Review Mtg.  @ 6:00 p.m./Planning &  Zoning Mtg. @7:00 p.m.  Nov 11 Veterans’ Day  City Hall Closed  

Nov 10 -City Council Meeting  @ 6:30 p.m.  

Public Hearing on Parking  Violation Fees  

Nov 17 -Planning & Zoning  Meeting @ 7:00 p.m.  

Public Hearings: Land Use  Schedule & Sugar Market  Property  

Nov 19Veterans of Foreign  Wars Community Breakfast,  8-11 a.m. at VFW Hall,  

480 W. 2nd N. in Rexburg  Nov 24 Thanksgiving  

No Council Meeting due to  holiday  

Nov 2425City Hall Closed  Dates to Remember:  

Dec 1Planning & Zoning  Meeting @ 7 p.m.  

Dec 5Annual Christmas tree  Lighting @ 6:00 p.m.  


**PUBLIC HEARINGS:** There will be a public hearing Nov. 10th @  

6:30 p.m. on Parking Violation Fees & on Nov. 17th @ 7:00 p.m. on  

Sugar City’s Land Use Schedule and on the Sugar Market Property.  

REVERSE 911 SYSTEM: We would like to encourage all citizens to sign up for Reverse 911. Go  to madisonsheriff.com under Alert Sense and it will take you to the page to subscribe for  emergency notifications.  

REFUGEE WINTER DONATIONS: The LDS Public Affairs Committee, possibly along with the  Sugar City Hispanic Apostolic Church and the Sugar City Lighthouse Baptist Church are  collecting coats, scarves, hats, and gloves (newborn through adult sizes) for the refugees in  Twin Falls, Idaho. Most all of these refugees are from the Congo in Africa and are not  equipped with proper clothing for Idaho winters! Items can be dropped off at the Standard  Journal in Rexburg or placed in boxes at the Sugar Salem High School or the Sugar Seminary,  and possibly at the Apostolic Church or Lighthouse Baptist Church located on Railroad  Ave. For more information or if there are other items you would like to donate, please  contact Elaine King 2083514419.  

VETERANS DAY: Take tinne to remember and thank those veterans who have served and  defended us so we can live happy and free. There is a Veterans Day Memorial Ceremony at  Rexburg Tabernacle in Rexburg at 12:00 noon on Friday, November 11. The Mayor will lay a  wreath on behalf of Sugar City.  

VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS COMMUNITY BREAKFAST: The 31-dSaturday of November &  December, the Veterans of Foreign Wars will hold a community breakfast. lt is from 8:00 a.m.  to 11:00 a.m. at VFW Hall, 480 W. 2nd N. in Rexburg. There is a $5 donation. World War II Vets  and kids under 12 eat free.  

HOLIDAY CLOSURES: City Hall will be closed November 11 in observance of Veterans Day and  November 26 and 27 in observance of Thanksgiving. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!  

FALL CLEANUP: Our Fall Cleanup started on October 17thand finished October 18th. Thank  you for your cooperation in this effort. In total, 38 truck-loads were hauled away.  

OVERNIGHT PARKING: Reminder of our snow ordinance – no parking on city streets from December 1stthrough March 15t, between  the hours of 12 midnight and 7 a.m.  

ANNUAL CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTING: Mark your calendars! The Christmas Tree Lighting ceremony is Monday, December 5that  Heritage Park at 6 p.m. by the gazebo. Conne and enjoy hot apple cider, cookies and Santa Claus.  

SNOW REMOVAL: Keep cars uncovered from snow and parked back off of roads to eliminate being clipped by the snowplows.  

LOST & FOUND: There has been a report of a lost black l-Phone in a case that has been missing since around the 15` of August  We have also had a white l-phone in a girls case turned in on August 23rd. It was found near the high school cross walk. We have also had 2 little girls coin purses turned in that were found near the grade school cross walk on October 13th. If you have any  information or questions, please call us @ 356-7561.  

DOG LICENCE REMINDER: Licenses expire Dec. 31st. Cost is $12 per year and is pro-rated for new pets. Make sure pets are up to date. 

David D. Ogden, Mayor  

Wendy McLaughlin, Clerk-Treasurer  Shelley Jones, Deputy Clerk-Treasurer  

Phone: (208) 356 7561  

Fax: (208) 359 2654  

Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.  

Dear City Residents,  


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City of Sugar City  

P.O. Box 56 – 10 East Center  Sugar City, Idaho 83448  

Support our local businesses  

We had a wonderful Open House for the new Pro Peat Fertilizer plant on  the 25′ of this month. Besides the normal dignitaries that had agreed to come, we had some residents of the city. I hope this made our newest  business welcome in our community. The owners of this business are  John Pocock and Kelton Larson. They are very committed to our  community, and we thank them for locating here in Sugar City. Thank  you for making them welcome.  

We have also started working with a new business to be located just to the  south and west of the Stake Center. We have agreed to seek assistance  from the Idaho Department of Commerce, and others, to help with their  infrastructure needs. This project would be similar to what was done to  help Pro Peat. This new business will also bring significant numbers of  jobs to our community. We will be bringing more information on them in  future council meetings.  

We will also be purchasing flashing crossing lights for three crossings on  Center street, to again help to protect our children and others who cross  the streets. We are hoping to have these installed shortly. If you have  any ideas on making this community safer, please feel free to contact us.  Thank you.  


David D. Ogden, Mayor


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