Oct 7- Planning and Zoning @ 7:00 pm 

Oct 8City Council Special Mtg. @ 6:30 pm 

Old Farm Estates 

Oct 14City Council 

@ 6:30 pm 

Oct 18- City Cleanup 

Oct 21 Planning and Zoning 

@ 7:00 pm 

Oct 28 City Council 

@ 6:30 pm 

Oct 31 Halloween 

Dates to Remember

Nov 2 Election Day for information go to: https://www.co.madison.id.us/ departments/elections 

Nov 4 Planning & Zoning @ 7:00 pm 

Nov 7 Daylight Savings Ends 

*** All city meetings are subject to change see city website for meeting schedules*** 

Sugar City 

Happy Halloween 

Steve Adams, Mayor 

Wendy McLaughlin, ClerkTreasurer Shelley Jones, Deputy ClerkTreasurer Arlynn Jacobson, Public Works Director Cody Cureton, Asst. Public Works Director Jonathan Turner, Code Enforcement Officer Quinton Owens, City Bldg. Inspector/P&Z Admin

PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION: is looking for more volunteers to serve on the committee. If you are interested, please contact city hall


To be an informed citizen as to emergencies, snow removal, city meetings and other city events, please download our new app. Go to Google Play Store or Apple Store and type in Sugar City Idaho and search for the app and install it to your device. Create an account and then go to notifications and select which notifications you would like to receive



Doug McBride Jamie Anderson 

Santiago & Emma Romero Jerri Lynn Gill 



Dewey & Vicky Furness Jess & Virginia Brown David & Anna Fluckiger Jerri Lynn Gill 

FEE INCREASES EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 1, 2021: City council approved a base water rate decrease of $5 from $45 to $40 per month and an increase of $0.01 from $0.95 to $0.96 per thousand gallons of usage per month, a base sewer rate increase of $5 from $17.97 to $22.97 per month and an increase of $0.04 from $3.43 $3.47 per thousand gallons of usage per month. These are separate accounts and we need to build up the reserve in the sewer fund for upcoming improvements with the line from Sugar City to Rexburg. There is also a 1.3% increase to the garbage rate which raises the residential can rate $0.20 from $15.10 to $15.30. Residents will notice the increase in their November utility bills for October

WATER METERS: Last meter reading of this year will be taken at the end of this month. To keep your average utility bill for the winter lower, stop outdoor watering by October 25th. MAKE SURE METERS ARE UNCOVERED! The public works crew has had problems reading meters because some are covered. Please do not store cars, trailers, woodpiles or other objects on top of city meters. This takes the crew more time to do their job efficiently

FALL TREE PRUNING: While trimming your trees and bushes this fall, please remember to trim along the streets and back off of street signs. Branches along streets must be trimmed twelve (12) feet up off the ground. Bushes along streets must be trimmed down to a height of no more than 3 feet. Thank you

CITY CLEANUP: The date for city cleanup to begin is October 18th. There is no longer a spring cleanup. Please do not put items out on the roads or alleys more than two weeks ahead of time. If you have items that you need to discard before the city cleanup, please note that we have a dumpster on the west side of Silo Park off of North Front & C Street. Please follow the guidelines below for items to be removed or placed in the dumpster

Due to regulations, we cannot pick up

leaves and grass clippings (in or out of bags) please take to city dumpster at the location mentioned above, tree limbs that are longer than six (6) feet



large remodeling materials, roofing, large pieces of concrete and tires, hazardous waste such as paint, chemicals, batteries, & used oil



Please keep piles away from fences, sheds or other items to alleviate the potential for damage. If items are 

placed close to fences, sheds, utility boxes, they will not be picked up and the homeowner will have the responsibility to remove the debris within one week of city cleanup before being cited

BURNING WITHIN THE CITY: County guidelines must be followed. You can register and read regulations for burning at the following website: http://fdmadison.org/

SPRINKLER SYSTEMS: When winterizing your sprinkler systems, please have your backflow preventer checked if you didn’t have a test done this summer or last year; please email your report to city hall (ajacobson@sugarcityidaho.gov). This is necessary to ensure that contamination of the water supply will not happen in the event of a pressure loss to the water system

Ph: 208-356-7561 Fax: 208-359-2654 

Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday 

P.O. Box 5610 E. Center 

Sugar City, ID 83448


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