September 2009

Dear Sugar City Residents:                                                              

START OF SCHOOL: School has started.  We caution everyone to drive carefully and watch for children.  

2009 GENERAL CITY ELECTION:  There are two four-year council seats up for election on November 3, 2009.  The candidate filing period opens at 9 a.m. on Monday, August 24, and closes at 5 p.m. on Friday, September 4.  Declarations of candidacy are available at City Hall in the office of the city clerk from the hours of 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday.

GARBAGE PICKUP:  Because of Labor Day on Monday, September 7, garbage pickup for that week will be Friday, September 11.

UPDATING CONTACT INFORMATION:  We urge all residents to contact city hall to update their contact information.  There are a lot of phone numbers that have changed and we need to have updated information.

SEWAGE TREATMENT INCREASE:  Effective October 1st the sewage treatment fee will increase from the present $1.96 per 1000 gallons to $2.51 per 1000 gallons.  This increase represents a 28% increase.  For the average family usage, this increase will amount to approximately $5 per month.  The number of gallons of sewage is based on the winter monthly water usage.  The base fee of $16.38 remains the same.  According to Rexburg officials this increase is necessary to help finance a new procedure in processing the sewage to eliminate an undesirable odor for Rexburg citizens who live in the surrounding area of the treatment plant.

CABLE ONE FRANCHISE:  The current Cable One franchise agreement with the city is due to be renewed on or before November 12, 2009.  The Cable Act requires that the public be given both notice of the proposed franchise renewal and an opportunity for participation in the franchise renewal process.  A public information meeting will be held on September 24, 2009 at the regular city council meeting.  Please plan to attend and give your input.

CENTER STREET PAVING:  The state highway department has notified the city that they cannot get the bids out and contracts ready to have the Center Street paving finished before winter.  Therefore, this work will be postponed until spring 2010.  We are sorry for this inconvenience and delay, which is beyond our control.  Please be patient as we wait for the state to fulfill their commitment.

Mayor Glenn W. Dalling

City Council & Staff


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