David D. Ogden, Mayor 

Wendy McLaughlin, ClerkTreasurer Shelley Jones, Deputy Clerk-Treasurer 

Arlynn Jacobson, Public Works Director 

Sugar City 



Sept 3 Labor Day City Hall Offices Closed Sept. 6 Planning & Zoning @ 7:00 p.m. 

Aug. 31 – Sept. 8 

Eastern Idaho State Fair 

Sept 13 City Council 

@ 6:30 p.m. **Public Hearing** Sept 18 Tuesday- Rexburg Mobile Food Pantry 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Volunteers needed between 4:30 p.m. & 8:30 p.m. 

Sept 20 – Planning & Zoning @7:00 p.m. Sept 27 – City Council @ 6:30 p.m. 


Oct. 4th – Planning & Zoning @ 7:00 p.m. DATES FOR FREE 


NATIONAL PARKS September 22 National Public Lands Day 

November 11 Veterans Day 

***All city meetings are subject to change see city website*** 


The public hearing will be held at Sugar-Salem High School Auditorium at 6:30 p.m., Thursday, September 13, 2018. 


Thanks for making Sugar City such a beautiful place to live! 

Yard Award 

Kathie Westwood 

Doug & Margaret Andrews 

John & Carol Galbraith 

Mike & Biya Wood 

Garden Winners 

Dwayne & Lynn Bean 

Jess & Virginia Brown Charles & Karalee Ricks Louis & Stephanie Bean 

WHERE DO YOU WANT SUGAR CITY TO BE IN THE FUTURE? WHAT DO YOU WANT IT TO LOOK LIKE? Are you willing to serve on any of multiple volunteer committees

Did you know that there are some opportunities to serve on the city’s Tree & Beautification, Historical Preservation, Trails, and City Theme (Downtown Revitalization) committees? Please call city hall to offer your service if you are interested. 

ANIMAL CONTROL: There is an increasing stray/feral cat problem. More complaints of cats and kittens getting into garbage cans are being voiced. Feeding the cats and kittens only adds to the problem, by bringing others animals in that are attracted to the smell of food. If you own an animal please have it spayed or neutered, this helps with overpopulation. If you end up with an unwanted cat or kitten please call the city’s code enforcement officer, Rebecca Edwards at 208-351-1044. There may be some options available for help. FYI: A 6 month old kitten can start having kittens. A cat can have as many as 5 litters a year, 3 to 6 kittens in a litter. 

We have also had more complaints about citizens not obeying city code concerning dogs

4-1-9 UNLAWFUL TO KEEP BARKING OR HOWLING DOGS OR FÖR DOGS TO RUN AT LARGE B: It shall be unlawful for any owner or keeper of a dog to allow said dog to be on any public street, alley, sidewalk, or any public way or public place within the city unless said dog is on a leash not exceeding ten feet (10) in length or is confined within a vehicle; provided, however, the mayor may authorize within the city dog shows, exhibitions, and dog training courses allowing dogs participating therein to be controlled by competent attendants. Further, the council may designate such areas of the city, which may be used, subject to such rules and regulations as may be prescribed for the training or exercise of dogs. Dogs within such an area so designated need not be controlled by leash, but shall be under the control of a responsible person and controlled by whistle, voice, or other effective command

GARBAGE PICK-UP REMINDER: Please have garbage set out by 6:00 A.M. Due to Labor Day Monday, the 3rd, garbage pickup will be on Saturday, the 8th. 

UTILITY FEE INCREASE: New water base rate and sewer fees will begin in October and will be noticed on November utility bill. Please call if you have questions. 

BURNING WITHIN THE CITY: City Code does not address burning waste. County guidelines must be followed. FDMadison.org. 

CITY WIDE CLEAN-UP: The date for city clean-up to begin is October 15th. Please do not put items out on the roads or alloys more than one week ahead of time. If you have items that you need to discard 

before the city clean-up, please note that we have a dumpster on the west side of Silo Park off of North Front & C Street. Please follow these guidelines for items to be removed or placed in the dumpster. 

Due to regulations, we cannot pick up: 

leaves and grass clippings unless they are bagged, 

large remodeling materials, roofing, large pieces of concrete and tires, hazardous waste such as paint, chemicals, batteries, & used oil. 

Please do not fill alleys after city clean-up until the week before the next clean-up in the spring. Storing debris is a violation of city code 3-1- 13:A. 

LOST & FOUND: Someone has turned in a pair of black metal framed glasses (appear to be a child’s size) and a clear plastic mouth guard/retainer. If you are missing these items, please come to city hall to see if they are yours. 

Ph: 208-356-7561 

Fax: 208-359-2654 

Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. 

P.O. Box 56 10 E. Center 

Sugar City, ID 83448 

Sugar City 

David D. Ogden, Mayor 

Wendy McLaughlin, ClerkTreasurer Shelley Jones, Deputy Clerk-Treasurer Arlynn Jacobson, Public Works Director 

September 4, 2018 

Dear Friends, 


I would like to thank all of the city staff for the good work they are doing for our community. We have recently promoted Arlynn Jacobsen to take the place of Zane Baler as Public Works Director. He and his crew have been doing a good job of taking care of our parks and making sure our water and sewer work well and meet all EPA/DEQ standards. Arlynn is also, with the help of our city engineer, Dick Dyer, monitoring the progress of our new water project to make sure the new tank, well and distribution system will last the city a long time. I appreciate their hard work. 

We have been keeping Cliff Morris, the city building inspector, very busy this summer. We have had almost 20 building permits for both single family residences, two four-plexes, and some commercial construction. This is the most growth the city has seen in over two decades. Cliff does a good job in making sure they meet building code. The multi-family and commercial units also go through our Design Review process. The city council recently changed how this board functions, and we believe all of these projects go through a rigorous process to make sure they look up to city standards. They are doing a good job. 

Our Planning and Zoning Commission has also been very busy. Their major project is a revamp of the Land Use Table in our city code. I appreciate all the hard work they put into what sometimes is a thankless job. They are doing a fine job. We have also created three new committees, one is a Historic Preservation Committee, second is the Alternative Transportation Committee, and the third is the Downtown Project Steering Committee. These committees will help the city to improve its downtown, as well as make sure that our historic areas are preserved. I am grateful to all those who have volunteered their time to help us

I am especially grateful to Wendy and Shelley, our city clerks, who are always pleasant and willing to help all of you with your concerns and questions. I really don’t know what we would be able to get done without them. Their professionalism and work ethic are a great asset to the city

Ph: 208-356-7561 

Fax: 208-359-2654 

Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. 

P.O. Box 56 10 E. Center 

Sugar City, ID 83448 

I also appreciate the help Becky Edwards, our city code enforcement officer, has provided to our city. Soon after becoming Mayor I held some Town Hall meetings with some concerned citizens, who expressed their frustration over what they perceived was a lack of oversight on behalf of the city on code violations. I heard their concerns and hired Becky, with council consent, to begin the process of enforcing city code. I know this has been a difficult process for some of you, but I believe that she has tried hard to work with some of you to educate on what the code says, and what we need to do to obey it. There was an effort to eliminate the position, but with the support of Bruce King, Joy Ball and Brent Barrus, we were able to keep going

As for myself, I have had 38 years as a banker and economic developer, with the last 25 years operating two private economic development companies. Our company provided state and federal funds for public infrastructure, workforce development and small business financing. Several years ago, I was approached by Glenn Dalling and Mont Merrill to run as Mayor, as they felt my background would help the city in handling the growth that would surely come 

our way. 

In the last two and one-half years, I have worked with the city council to meet the demands of the city. We have had to make some hard choices, including the new water project, which has raised water rates. Thankfully, there has been no need for me to break a tie vote, as the council has been very good at making the choices. My job has been mainly to administer the city functions, and enforce the city code. I have tried to do this to the best of my ability. I am here to serve you as citizens of this great city. Please feel free to contact any of us with your questions, concerns or recommendations. Thanks for your support. 


David D. Ogden, Mayor 

Ph: 208-356-7561 

Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. 

P.O. Box 56 10 E. Center 

Fax: 208-359-2654 

Sugar City, ID 83448


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