
SEPTEMBER 2021 CALENDAR Sept 2 Planning and Zoning @ 7:00 pm 

Sept 3 City Council Special Mtg. @ 6:30 pm 

Sept 6 Labor Day City Office Closed 


Sept 9 City Council @ 6:30 pm Sept 11- Patriot Day 

Sept 16 Planning and Zoning @ 7:00 pm 

Sept 22 First Day of Autumn Sept 23 City Council @ 6:30 


Dates to Remember

Oct 7 Planning & Zoning @ 7:00 pm 

Oct 18Tentative Date for 

City Cleanup 

*** All city meetings are subject to change see city website for meeting schedules*** 

Sugar City 

Steve Adams, Mayor 

Wendy McLaughlin, ClerkTreasurer Shelley Jones, Deputy ClerkTreasurer Arlynn Jacobson, Public Works Director Cody Cureton, Asst. Public Works Director Jonathan Turner, Code Enforcement Officer Quinton Owens, City Bldg. Inspector/P&Z Admin


To be an informed citizen as to emergencies, snow removal, city meetings and other city events, please download our new app. Go to Google Play Store or Apple Store and type in Sugar City Idaho and search for the app and install it to your device. Create an account and then go to notifications and select which notifications you would like to receive

SCHOOL IS IN SESSION: We want to remind everyone that the speed limit on Center St. is 25 M.P.H. during school hours. Please drive carefully

GARBAGE PICKUP REMINDER: Due to Labor Day Monday the 6th, garbage pickup will be on Saturday, September 11th. Please have garbage set out by 6:00 a.m. 


Collection dates are Saturday, September 11th and Monday, September 13th from 8 am to 4 pm

YARD AWARDS FOR JULY: Craig & Colleen Bean Brian & Kami Howard Kent & Rhoda Hughes Ron & Kathy Cross 

GARDEN AWARDS FOR JULY: Jon & Angie Burnham Lorin & Janelle Hales 

Dwayne & Lynn Bean 

Bill & Leola Barnhill 


Carolyn Hawkes 

Cheryle Nanney 

Cory & Deborah Roberts 

Mark & Kristie Emery 


Mel & Winona Bean 

Delbert & Pam Jensen Scott & Heather Holmen Kevin & Kristin Galbraith 

FEE INCREASES EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 1, 2021: City council approved a base water rate decrease of $5 from $45 to $40 per month and an increase of $0.01 from $0.95 to $0.96 per thousand gallons of usage per month, a base sewer rate increase of $5 from $17.97 to $22.97 per month and an increase of $0.04 from $3.43 $3.47 per thousand gallons of usage per month. These are separate accounts and we need to build up the reserve in the sewer fund for upcoming improvements with the line from Sugar City to Rexburg. There is also a 1.3% increase to the garbage rate which raises the residential can rate $0.20 from $15.10 to $15.30. Residents will notice the increase in their November utility bills for October

TREES & BUSHES: Please have trees and bushes trimmed back from the alleys and roads. Tree branches must be trimmed up from the ground to a height of 12 feet. Bushes along roads must be trimmed down to a height of no more than 3 feet

SPRINKLER SYSTEMS: As you have your sprinkler systems taken care of for the winter months please remember that if you didn’t have a test on your sprinkler system backflow preventer done last year, please have one done and send your report to city hall. This is necessary to ensure that contamination of the water supply will not happen in the event of a pressure loss to the water system. Thank you to those that have already brought in test results

NO DUMPING OF YARD WASTE OR ITEMS IN CITY: Dumping at the end of streets or in alleys is not allowed. City Code 3-1-8: Responsibility for Disposal: A: Owners: No person shall deposit refuse on or below the surface of the ground other than in a manner prescribed in this chapter. No person shall deposit or bury any refuse in or upon a public alley, street, other public area or upon the premises of another person, whether or not the refuse is in an approved container. No refuse of any kind shall be thrown, swept or pushed into the street in front of any premises. The owner of the premises shall be responsible for the disposal of all such refuse.Please remove any items or waste from public alleys to avoid health and safety hazards and possible citations. BURNING WITHIN THE CITY: County guidelines must be followed. You can register and read regulations for burning at the following website:

Ph: 208-356-7561 

Fax: 208-359-2654 

Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. 

P.O. Box 5610 E. Center 

Sugar City, ID 83448


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