Options to Pay Sugar City Utility Bills (As of June 2023, listed in preference):
- Click here to make payments online at Xpress Bill Pay. You will need your account number to create the account. Click here for instructions on how to create an account. To avoid a $1 paper billing fee, we encourage you to set up paperless billing. You can also view your utility bill and amount due, print receipts, view payment history, and see status of payments by going online.
SET IT AND FORGET IT!! You can set up auto pay at Xpress by using a checking account or with a credit card. The following fees will apply:
- Credit Card: 3.00% + $0.50
- ACH/EFT: $1.00 (Auto pay from checking account)
- Set up bill pay through your own financial institution, which sends a check. Allow at least 5 days for the city to receive the check and remember payments are due on the 25th of the month. Late payments accrue a $10 late fee.
- Mail check or money order to: SUGAR CITY HALL, P.O. BOX 56, SUGAR CITY, ID 83448.
- Leave check or money order payment (preferably no cash please) in an envelope in the secure drop box at city hall entrance (lower right area of front door).
- After setting up an account at Xpress Bill Pay, to use your mobile device, click here for instructions to download the Xpress Bill Pay Utility Payment App.
1(800) 766-2350
Weekdays 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Mountain Standard Time (MST)
Saturday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm MST
Closed Sundays and Holidays